Amoeiro - 6 October 2018
Cloudy and cold this morning. Had a walk into the town and bought a few things. Drove to Amoeiro in the rain and parked up on the side of the road next to a garden full of cats and kittens.

6 October
Watched the final of Killing Eve last night - that was inconclusive! Must be another series in the making. Dark and peaceful last night!
Quite chilly getting out of bed this morning, even tried the heating - seems to work quite quickly.

Walked along the path we were supposed to drive down yesterday (!) into the town. Find it strange, you can go down streets and not really realize it’s the shopping area, still looks residential! They don’t seem to really advertise, and all look dark even when open. Maybe it’s to do with the fact that it’s usually really hot and don’t want stock fading in the windows? In France the Boulangeries are everywhere, smell delicious and are a treat for the eyes. Here, we’ve been lucky to pickup a loaf in the supermarket or random shop by chance!

It’s been a cat day 🐈 We saw a couple and were going to see them, and a lady hanging out her washing showed us a couple of their kittens - ah!

We bought some superglue in a decorator’s shop (try to mend my glasses again!), and asked about a door wedge (for our food locker to stop it rattling!), and were directed to the hardware store. Well, the photo doesn’t really do it justice! Definitely no health and safety there! One lady serving, quite a large shop, with just about everything you could want, or think you want - except a rubber door stop! We had to step over stuff along all the isles. Would have been very therapeutic to tidy up!
Visited another Eroski. Looked tiny from the front, but quite large inside. Just needed a few basics like milk, bread etc - as it’s Sunday again tomorrow!
Was just starting to drizzle on walk back. Had lunch, then Tintin drove about forty minutes in the light rain to:
Amoeiro - free
It’s next to the ‘village green’ except it’s scrub land due to lack of rain! Basically parking on the road!
When we first arrived there was a strange man who glared at us, then proceeded to go bin dipping. However, it appeared he wasn’t riffling through, but taking out plastic bottles in the general waste and putting into correct recycling!
We are parked next to a house with multiple cats outside in the front garden. Can count about ten, including six kittens. So cute! And we have space for them too... they are yowling, I’m sure I could be a cat/kitten cuddler for the evening...

Tintin went for a quick walk up the road to find the source of a noise which was inferring with Kiss FM radio! Another man, sitting in his garage bashing his drums and singing for ages! That’s him at the top of the blog.
Just opposite are walnut trees. Tried a fallen one, not bad - but different taste to bought ones, and after taste needed to be taken away with a toffee!
When we were in Basque Country, there was pampas grass everywhere, now in Spain we don’t see it. Strange from region to region how things change. I’m still not really into the Spanish people. Generally not as friendly as French. Don’t think it’s even to do with language - here you smile at people and get totally ignored or scowled at.
Spent the afternoon not doing much. Been planning our route into Portugal as you have to register your vehicle number and your credit card details in case you use electronic toll roads. If you don’t register, and end up on one by mistake, apparently there is a large fine. We don’t intend on using toll roads, but might be best to register. I’ve been trying to read the Portuguese phrase book and decided it’s quite hard to read phonetically! Tintin has soaked his feet, bit sad - he can only do one at a time as his feet are bigger!
I know I keep comparing with France, but here we can go for days without seeing another moho. Do they go on toll roads and bypass Spain to get to Portugal, or not bother with the North of Spain?
For all you cat lovers here’s an overdose of pictures.

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