Annagassan - 27 May 2023

27 May 2023 - Annagassen Port - Co Louth
Tintin was in his bed by 21.30 last night - but not for long. Just like last night, only worse because it was Friday night. Youths! Playing football - Tintin was out of his bed when the ball whacked into Dave’s rear. We wondered about moving. I walked off to Sainsbury’s to see if we could move. Overhead lights everywhere - and more obnoxious youths with very foul language, plus there was a cinema next to it, full of cars, so we stayed in the carpark but moved further forward, and further away from the gang of youths. I stayed up until about 23.00 reading, just keeping alert incase anything happened. At least one other moho drove off. In the end, they must have gone home and it was fairly peaceful until the road sweeper was doing his job around the carpark about 07.00.
The sun was shining! Went for a walk around the harbour - looked lovely with the sun on it.

Looking towards Belfast, we could see the huge H & W cranes, just in front of us were seals, high and dry, maybe waiting for the tide to come in. A friendly man with his elderly boxer dog said they’re there every day.

Also saw the rear of a very large cat, who just couldn’t be bothered to turn around to come and see us!

As there was a service area, Tintin emptied the loo, and we drained the grey water - will wait for fresh water, as not needed yet. Made use of the multiple bins, as we’d finally decided to hightail it out of Northern Ireland and back into Ireland. Decision was based on the fact that we really couldn’t find good reviews for anywhere in the near (or far) vicinity - mainly related to loud youths gathering at night!
So, the signs went from green in NI, to blue in Ireland.

Tintin wanted to drive again. Got stuck in traffic around Belfast, but other than that was an easy 2 hour drive. Only knew we were in Ireland when the sat-nav told us!

We’re parked up with over 15 other mohos near a little harbour. The sun was out, so out came the chairs - we even put shorts on - for about 5 minutes only as the sun hid behind clouds and was chilly again!

All afternoon there has been a group of raucous, loud women who have been drinking all afternoon. Smokers, with raspy voices - littered with so many swear words. Don’t get me wrong, I swear a lot too - but not so often, and not loudly in public!
Tintin finally got a response from RWG, of sorts. The upside is we now have data again - however - we’ve been without for nearly three whole days. We haven’t got to the bottom of that yet - but we will…
I spent a good two hours trying to remove my gel nails which had been on for 6-1/2 weeks. It’s always the same dilemma - have beautiful, sparkly nails for a few weeks, then have months of weak nails when they come off - or have gel put on back to back - but we’re not due home yet. Such problems!
Other than that, an easy day sat outside, reading books. Haven’t even explored this area yet.
Tried a Sainsbury’s beef stroganoff tonight, with rice - decidedly average. We very rarely have ready prepared meals at home, but it’s certainly easier on Dave - but will have to reconsider for next travel. Having said that, this is the first trip we’ve done this, probably because it’s English speaking and available - and the fact the French don’t really do ready meals!
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