Attinghausen - 14 April 2024

14.04 - Attinghausen
No light interference last night in our field! Woke up to the singing of a black redstart, and cow bells clanging - how nice 😊
After showering, I went off in search of the cows - they’d been moved! In my mind, it seems a bit cruel to have such huge bells around their necks. No being stealthy for them!
Once again, we sat outside in our chairs this morning, as we had 24 hours on ‘our pitch’ - and we needed to decide where we were going!

Tintin did the 30 minute drive today - mostly on motorway.

Many years ago, we were both so excited to drive through the Mont Blanc tunnel (2010 - in our car). Now it’s just, oh - another tunnel. The longest today was 9.25km. Eyes do take a few seconds to adjust coming out into bright sunshine.
We’re parked up for free - right opposite the Reuss River. Very pretty - we’re led to believe the sound of the rushing water blots out the cars on the motorway behind us!

A friendly Irish man with his Swiss lady showed us where to park up. Always good to chat in English 😉
After lunch, bikes out and another 12 miles meandering about. We’re right on a cycle path, and followed the river to Lake Urnersee. Could tell it was a sunny Sunday afternoon - so many people out and about enjoying the sun, having BBQs - very few people actually in the lake! Having seen the rivers flow down from the icy mountains into the lake - I wonder why!

I was thinking as we cycled - about how pretty the typical Swiss landscape is - alpine meadows with cows in them, lakes everywhere, pretty chalet type buildings, and snow capped mountains in the distance. However, Guernsey is a pretty amazing place. Long term, I would much rather have my choice of different bays to swim in - and no paid parking!!
The Swiss seem to get their children out and about doing things from an early age, be it cycling or rock climbing - was quite surprised to see this family - probably just wasn’t expecting it.

We cycled around the lake until we came to a tunnel about 1km - and both decided we didn’t fancy cycling through it, and turned around!
When we got back to Dave, we could see four little legs underneath him. We spoke to the owner, she said they have a similar moho, and thinks her dog was waiting to go inside - I thought it was just seeking shade.

The weather felt so much cooler here at lunchtime than 30 minutes drive away. Even thought about wearing jeans for our bike ride. We were hot almost straight away. Temperature varies greatly, so quickly. Allegedly Dave was 35° when we got back - but he’ll be cold tonight.

Looks like we’re venturing into unknown territory going towards Ticino, maybe Locarno or Lugano. My guide book isn’t that useful - just tells me about all the churches we need to look at!
Happy birthday Pascal!
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