Bléré - 07 May 2022
Had a wander around Chinon then a one hours drive to Bléré. On our bikes for a ride along the river to Chenonceau.

Saturday, 7 May 2022 - Bléré
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Quick stir fry of chicken and vegetables last night, finished in a mushroom sauce - was ok! Watched Gentleman Jack, but not really sure I’m enjoying it! Had a much better sleep last night - good!
Opened the strawberries to have with breakfast this morning - they are huge! And quite tasty!

Tintin took Dean for a fly around and got some really good photos of Chinon. The photos are on yesterdays blog, Chinon. We were actually showered and out by 9.30am! Walked in and around Chinon town. Went to St Etienne, really colourful stained glass, and high domed ceilings.

I queued for a little while at the boulangerie. Only bought one of the raspberry macaroons - well it was €3.50 - and we are eating a lot of cakes. It was delicious! So light and full of flavour 🙂

It’s a pretty little place on La Vienne river, had a touristy feel about it. Saw the Statue of Rabelais, then took the free lift up towards the château and back to Dave.

Tintin had a whole day without pain relief yesterday! He’s only had a handful of those days since his hip surgery just over 3 months ago! As he’d felt cheated at his short drive yesterday, he drove for about an hour to where he’d chosen for today - Bléré. Once again, a lovely drive through forest and then open green spaces, not much traffic, and no confusing signage!

We saw field upon field of blue flowers, didn’t know what they were. Later on our bikes we were able to get up close - they are flax!

We’re now parked up opposite Le Cher river, again, no one else around.

Nearly 12 miles cycling today. We rode on the cycle paths to the wrong side of Château de Chenonceau (on purpose!). If you’re interested, we did visit the inside back in 2017 on our first ever foreign trip in Dave, where we’d gone hot air ballooning in Amboise. In summary - Chenonceau, the most visited private chateau in France (about 1M visitors per annum). Spans the river Cher. In second world war, the River Cher corresponded to the line of demarcation, was possible for Resistance to pass large numbers of people into the free zone.
It was lovely to see the other side, away from the hordes of people.

Rode back and had a look around the town. We tried to book our first choice restaurant for tonight - but they’re full, so booked for another pizza - tough life!
We’ve spent a couple of hours sitting in our chairs, reading just in front of the river. Dean had another quick outing. No shortage of frogs here either, plus lots of beautiful almost iridescent damselflies and the resident cormorant on his branch in the river. Very peaceful.

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