Borgata Marina - 26 October 2022

Tintin snook off to bed early last night, so I stayed up doing research, but not getting far - Google maps wasn’t working at all, could only use Park4night app. The problem area we were looking to go to when we were a bit stuck yesterday turns out to be one of the poorest areas in Italy according to my guide book - which would account for the break-ins and negative reviews.
What a surprisingly good place to park last night! Could hear bells during the night, thought it was the sheep again, but no, this morning we had some beautiful cows right near us. Decided we’re both happiest with a bit of nature near us! Even the view of the lake was lovely this morning.

I drove today - about 2 hours. Was surprised that we were motioned to pull over to the side by a young, dark haired Italian policeman. He said Buon giorno, we said Buon giorno - he said molte bene - and waved us on our way! Who knows what that was about - maybe he doesn’t speak English and just couldn’t be bothered to try asking any questions…
We haven’t seen lots of road kill, but sadly at least half a dozen cats - it’s so distressing to see - once seen - can’t get images out of your mind.
The dual carriage way road was pretty good, then went onto the Autostrada - it was worse! Only €5.60 today. After about an hour we pulled off into the service station for a free Dave service. I was emptying the bin, looked through the kitchen window in time to see Tintin bash his head on a huge sign post and fell on his bottom with his legs in the air. Feared the worst - but he’s not too bad - taken a bit off the top of his head, not concussed - and didn’t bleed too much. What a stupid height the signpost was! Anyway, finished filling up with water, and on our way again for another hour.

We’re at a place that is possibly Borgata Marina! Just a little carpark behind the beach.
Just after midday we arrived to this lovely beach, devoid of people apart from the odd fisherman.

Had lunch, then Tintin found we were right on a cycle path. Bikes out, and 21 miles round trip on the flat. Must have been a railway line before being converted into a cycle path - even went through a few tunnels.

There a quite a few old wooden fishing platforms which have been converted into restaurants.

Went as far as Ortona - then asked if Tintin fancied an Aperol Spritz on the way back - of course he did! Very nice sitting down looking out over the sea. €14.

Back at Dave, we went for a swim. Water clear, but not crystal clear like yesterday.
Then Tintin decided he ought to have a fire on the beach. There was lots of wooden debris, so quick to gather up enough. It must be a male thing, wanting to be a pyromaniac! Personally, can’t see the point - you make a fire, but it’s not cold weather, there’s the smell of smoke initially, then have to deal with the dying embers! Anyway, we had a rum and coke and nibbles by the fire - and then Dean the drone went up too. Tintin was really impressed with his fire gismo. The stainless steel mesh allows air through, but no ash falls out - was it’s first outing. Nearly didn’t happen, as the lighter broke (never been used before, but carried around for 5 years!). Tintin had another lighter stuffed in his garage…

All in all, a lovely day.
As you can see from the map, we’re slowly starting to make our way up the East side of Italy, just a bit higher than Rome already.
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