Buzet sur Baise - 20 September 2018
Drove to Andy and Maggie Way’s barge at Buzet sur Baise. Had a pleasant afternoon chatting and then a good meal at the Le Vigneron restaurant.

20 September
Day 3 of running - same as previously, 30 minutes and 8 minutes running. Hilly today - think we both found it harder! Irritatingly I have a couple of niggles in right groin and left Achilles, so took it slowly. I’m really not designed for running, plus it was hot even at 8am.
Emptied and watered up. Was great because no one else was around, so we sprayed Dave all over with water - looking his best again!
Went to Intermarche - may be our go to supermarket for diesel and GPL! Filled up with both with no problems. Did a quick shop (if that’s possible in such a big store!) - who knew it could be so hard to find pumpkin seeds or coconut flakes! Ended up buying a litre and a half bottle of Morgan’s spiced rum too - rude not to as it was on special offer - and we can’t run out!
Tintin drove to:
Buzet Sur Baise - N44°15.473’ E000°18.329’ - may have to pay! (But didn’t in the end!)

This is where we met up with Andy and Maggie Way, and their canal boat, the Edward Thomas which was alongside. What a lovely boat! Can’t get over how much space there is, all very comfy looking.

Arrived after 2pm sat in shade outside and chatted, before we knew - it was already 6pm. Andy and Maggie had booked a table at Le Vigneron, a ten minute walk away in the town. Was €15.90 each for soup, then three courses. There was a chariot of desserts, and you could try a few. Worth it for the desserts alone! Had a lovely evening, just chatting and chatting!
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