Cannes-Écluse - 07 May 2024

07.05 - Cannes Écluse - Seine-et-Marne - Ile-de-France
Tintin driving today - ended up about 3 hours - maybe an hour longer than needed! I don’t get involved in using Co-pilot, he put the stop for servicing and final destination in last night - but school boy error - didn’t check before we left this morning. Turns out we were at least 20km further from the service place than we should be. There weren’t any other service places closer on Park4nignt - so back we went.

Co-pilot then sent us down into a busy little street, and a man said we couldn’t go further. A nice Frenchman explained how to get to the service area - I gather that other people have been misled by their navigation systems too!
It was just a huge carpark really, but we could service Dave. Right on the bank of the Seine.

Made use of the one garage we’d seen earlier and topped up on diesel - again! Apart from near the Seine - we didn’t see any mohos when driving.
We’re in a very flat part of France! The forecast was for rain this afternoon, and I’d found a new Aire to try out. Luckily it wasn’t full.

Had lunch, finished about my 10th book this trip - and waited for the rain to stop before going for a short walk.

Haven’t seen a pedestrian crossing at an angle across a road before!

Do we try a pizza tonight? Hopefully the restaurant opens, and it’s not just the machine!

The River next to us is the Yonne. Very murky looking - don’t think the no swimming signs are necessary!

Tried balancing - the first was easier than the second! Then tried the keep fit machines nearby.

For want of something better to do, we tried playing Scrabble again. Barbara - I’m shocked by a slang work your nephew used - not repeatable here - he even checked it was allowed in the Scrabble dictionary. Don’t think he would have used it if you were his opponent!
We’re just slowly making our way towards St Malo.
I’m very frustrated by technology. My phone was full battery last night - critical this morning! Tintin’s photos have all been synced - whereas I have over 2,000 outstanding. His phone keeps on latching onto my WiFi. And on my iPad - it’s taken all day and only synced a few - just don’t understand 😠
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