Cap Couronne - 25 September 2019
Early start as we had to leave the carpark by 0830 (or pay more money) and thus hit the traffic through Aix. Made it back to the coast at Cap Couronne and waited for the weather to improve. A good walk around the coast to Carro and a lovely swim to cool us down.

25 September - Happy birthday to Sue - it’s scary to say as it makes us sound old - but we’ve been friends for over 50 years!
Watched the final in the series of Peaky Blinders last night. Bit of a restless night for me, no particular reason - just happens!
Alarm went off at 7am. We’re often awake then, but not with a view to moving anytime soon! It was dark, raining (which wasn’t forecast) and could have done with longer to catch-up with social media and daily MailOnline rubbish!
Had to leave the carpark before 8.30am - so of course hit rush hour in Aix-en-Provence. Our journey should have taken about 40 minutes, but took twice as long due to the queues getting out! Tintin driving today. Some rubbish roads, but then some nice fast, smooth motorway for a change.

We’re at Cap Couronne, right next to the lighthouse. Reviews for this place are mixed, some people staying with no problem, others being told by police not to have camping behavior - there is a big sign saying no motorhomes, but we’re Billy no mates again - and will try our luck as it’s such a lovely place. We do have a plan B though just in case!

The weather is really quite windy and was overcast, so sat and read our books for a while. Went for a brief walk to a beach nearby, rocks around here make it look quite barren and desolate. After lunch, went out walking for a few hours. Definite lack of baguettes, cakes or pastries. We had to have avocado salad - again!

What’s ridiculous is that my phone app says we’ve done more steps today than yesterday - I don’t think so!
We went around the headland, past a big beach, Plage du Verdon - where it looks like everything is banned! Shame they can’t sort out the dog 💩!

Walked into the next town called Carro. Small marina, lots of people getting excited playing pétanque! There’s also a big Aire right on a peninsula, so for €9 per night - that’s our plan B!

What seemed strange is the huge moho park, masses of parking for the beach, but not really much in the way of shops or restaurants, cafes etc - tourism hasn’t really reached here.
On our walk back, stopped off for a lovely swim at the smaller beach, plage du Carro. It did feel quite cool to get in, I suppose because it’s so windy and we were hot - but was a refreshing stop - and the sea was lovely and clean too. The clouds blew away, and it’s been warm and sunny all afternoon. Feel a bit wind burnt though!

This morning we were doing research, we’re going into the Camargue region, on the look out for white horses, black bulls, pink flamingos and pink salt! However, the area is notorious for mosquitoes and car break-ins. I can almost imagine the mossies not bothering to suck blood today as they’ll know I’m coming! Seriously - I’ll have to smother myself with repellent!
More photos from today

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