Carnac - 6 September 2018
Decided we needed some beach time and drove to Carnac where we had a holiday with the kids years ago. Rode our bikes and found the best beach for a lovely swim. Quick visit to the 3000 standing stones from 5000BC and rounded off the day watching the locals dancing in the square.

6 September
Up and at it! Did some yoga again this morning. We get a few comments, maybe just as well we don’t understand - but they seem friendly!
Packed up, emptied and watered up and left about 10.30 en route for Carnac. Good job you can’t smell what we could - we were following a huge lorry laden with live pigs!
Carnac - N47°35.103’ W003°04.939’ - free
Took about an hour and a quarter to drive here and we actually found a space to park in! All the spaces have huge tree roots in the tarmac, and our roofs have the branches/leaves resting on top!
After lunch got the bikes out and rode to the seafront which was about 1.5k away. Rode all along the front towards La Trinite-sur-Mer, then stopped off at Le Men Du for a swim. Even Tintin went in! Don’t really think it’s much warmer than Guernsey even though we are further south. Lay on the clean white sandy beach for a while, but hadn’t taken the brolly so it was too hot!

Pootled around, stopped off at Igloo for an ice cream. Think the are in The Guinness book of records for the number of flavors. €5 for two, but we weren’t over impressed! Popped into a supermarket, mainly for milk, then back to Dave for a cup of tea. Refreshed we headed out to see some of the 3,000 menhirs. Apparently about 7,000 years old! They appear to be in straight lines and none of them are very high. Rode into the old town and as luck would have it, the market was taking place.

When we arrived back here a couple from Wales in their VW T5 stopped and chatted for ages.
A late meal of bread, cheese, ham and pate for tea, with of course Captain Morgan’s and coke!
Wandered back into town and listened to live music with lots of people dancing. Not sure what sort, but presumably local as with different music, they all knew what to do!

We could ride to Quiberon tomorrow, but would be about 40k - so will decide later!
We’re surprised that we found a couple of places where mohos could just park up closer to the beach, some with time restrictions - only till 2200 so no overnight, but some just free. We have been using the Aires guide book, but need to just drive around an area to see what is available!

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