Cassis - 23 September 2019
Tintin drove just over an hour to a parking spot just outside Cassis as there isn’t anything closer. Bikes out and a ride into Cassis and onto the Calanques de Port-Miou and de Port Pin. A bit tough on the bikes and us as the paths were steep gravel tracks up and down. Ended the afternoon with a sw

23 September
We had that dreaded phone call last evening from Tom - and sadly our beautiful 12 year old cat Bailey has died. We understand that he was probably hit by a car, and was found close to our house by neighbours from down the lane. We’d like to thank Tom and Aimee for telling us straight away - and to say a big thank for having to deal with everything. We thought about going home, but the reality is there is nothing we can do. Aimee says that Indi is his usual self - so that’s good.
Being a mainly black cat, he’s hard to photograph well and I only have very few photos with me, but here’s one

Suffice to say we’ve had a difficult time since finding out. Couldn’t sleep anyway, then some Kevs in the carpark were wheel spinning, close enough for stone chippings to be heard pinging on Dave. Then from about midnight it was really heavy rain for a few hours. Come 5.30am all the delivery trucks arrived and made lots of noise. Not our best place to stay, but served a purpose.
This morning - quick shop at Intermarché, and topped up with diesel before we left. Tintin driving today, for about an hour. Mainly around the coast. We’re parked at a free park4night place in Cassis (7,000 population), about 1.7 miles away from the town. Parking around here is either expensive, or difficult. We’re so glad we have our electric bikes - we think Guernsey is hilly - absolutely no comparison!

It’s a small fishing town on the Côte d’Azur, east of Marseille surrounded by spectacular rocky cliffs. White wine from Cassis is renowned.
As ever, the tourist office was closed - serious business lunch over here! So just decided to ride around. Worst one way roads we’ve encountered - glad we could ride the wrong way on some - really steep and difficult to navigate.
We wanted to see the Calanques here - basically a deep creek with high sides! First stop Calanque de Port-Miou (a pleasure port for lots of boats). Apparently the routes to it are often closed during summer due to either fire risk or high winds. Most people were walking, poles out. The steepest part was at the limit of my bike’s abilities (well, and me, Tintin of course has a more powerful bike!) We rode a very bumpy path to the next Calanque Port-Pin. Tintin thought I might want a swim there - but as lovely little areas go, the sea didn’t look very clear - and there were too many people!

Fairly long ride back to the beach we’d seen earlier - Bestouan beach. Pebbly, but water was clean and clear - and not quite so many people. Felt a bit cooler getting in, but has been a windy day. Actually has been better weather than forecast, more sunshine than cloud. Best part was seeing a cormorant or shag (not sure which) swimming right by Tintin, totally oblivious to the fact he was there!

After, went back to the packed seafront. Lots of restaurants - and again - mostly full at lunchtime. Heard quite a lot of both English and Spanish being spoken. Definitely a resort destination - nice to visit, see - then leave!

Rode for about 11.5 miles today - theme of today - very hilly! Even need the chocks out for Dave, and we’re still not level.
Feel the whole of the Mediterranean area must get a lot of rain fall, as everything is so green and lush. Also think it’s time a lot of the oleander hedges were cut!
Well, a strange and sad day - our hearts and minds weren’t really there - going through the motions - but both of us thinking about poor Bailey. Indi - you’re on notice to learn to high five, as Bailey was the only cat who could! It’s ironic, we took Bailey to the vet for the first time in 9 years just before we came away for a quick checkup - and were told he was the perfect weight, teeth really good for his age - and just, well - perfect. However, think that the small rodent population may now have a chance to increase!
As ever, more photos

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