Cercey Réservoir - 14 June 2019
Bit of a pant’s day really. Rain off and on most of the day, so we just drove and found some diesel and a place to sit and read. Highlight of the day, Kay tried to kidnap a cat, it was having none of it.

14.06.19 - Well, contrast today - the lovely warm yellow thing in the sky from yesterday is undercover, and back to overcast skies and showers!
Week 8, run 2 - done ✅. Not much to say, except it was on the flat tow path, but still a mental challenge. On the plus side, we’re now covering 5km with the walking before and after the 28 minute run.
The English couple came over mid morning to say they were off. We hung around, doing research again about where to find fuel, where to park, where we aiming to get to...
Tintin drove for just over an hour in the end. Roads were patch work rubbish! Went past a couple of garages, and the diesel price wasn’t too bad, but he’d put Super U into the sat nav - so went there. It had another rotten chicane which Dave wouldn’t make, but we could have reversed out - however, no one to take payment, plus the machine wouldn’t accept our credit card. Grr! Back the way we’d come for about 10 minutes, filled up at an Avia garage - €1.41 per litre and we’re now parked up alongside Cercey Réservoir. It’s rural!

We tried going for a walk in between showers, but got wet! Wasn’t even an enjoyable walk in as much as to be able to see the reservoir you needed to be on top of the bank, but we got wet feet - and down on the path you couldn’t see much, and there were midges everywhere!
So we’ve been riding alongside the Canal de Bourgogne, and this is the reservoir which feeds it when necessary!
The highlight of the drive was seeing the fallow deer in a field! And, I nearly enticed a friendly talkative wet cat into Dave!

Also random - oversized underwear on a roundabout!
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