Châteaudun - 14 May 2022
Bike ride into Orléans for a look around somewhere bigger than a village. Massive cathedral dominates the centre. Kay drove in the afternoon to Châteaudun that was on our list from a few days ago.

Saturday, 14 May 2022 - Châteaudun via Orléans
The jury is out on where we were parked last night, especially come 1.30am when people somewhere nearby could still be heard screeching with laughter, sounding like hyenas! However, it served a purpose, as it was only a less than 8 mile return cycle trip to the big smoke - Orléans!
We’d never been before, usually avoiding larger towns - has a population of over 115k. Was really easy to cycle around, proper paths, lots of traffic lights even for cyclists.

Decided it would be easier to walk once there, so locked up our bikes, found the Tourist Information - but didn’t really need the map.
Big statue of Joan of Arc, couldn’t get close as there was graffiti spraying and beat box music going on - even the tourist office didn’t know it was happening right outside their office until they set up.

Joan of Arc was canonized by Pope Benedict XV on 16 May 1920. She was burned alive at Rouen on 30 May 1431, and her ashes were scattered in the River Seine, she has no tomb.
The gothic Royal Cathedral of the Holy Cross took over six centuries to build. It’s absolutely huge! In the Baedeker guide book, someone called Marcel Proust described it as the ugliest in France. He should have gone to Specsavers!

Nearby is the Hôtel Groslot (town hall). Very pretty building with various brick and stone work. Usually it’s free to visit inside - but there was a wedding taking place today.

We just generally wandered around. There is one long street (Rue de Bourgogne) which is nearly all restaurants. We went up and down, dithering where to eat. Some of the places were closed, some were mainly takeaways, some looked a bit seedy. In the end had a huge cheeseburger and fries - with four sauces! Tintin had a large 1664 - so possible hangover later! Still €50, I was on a soft drink, due to it being my turn to drive - um - wonder if that was engineered?!

Drove for well over an hour, was fine until we were nearly here - then the dreaded road closed, and no diversions! Tintin map read, and about ten minutes later than expected, we arrived. No other mohos here, it’s just a waste ground next to Le Loir, with the Châteaudun castle in view, ready to explore tomorrow.

The weather has been very pleasant again today, sunny, but high cloud coverage.
We were parked with our back to the sun, but have just been asked to move, as there’s some fete or something happening tonight, so we’ve had to move a little. Let’s hope it’s a quiet night!
We’re back to having to restrict our data usage. We have 100GB of data with JT, but pro-rata we have 60 GB until payment date of 16th. We’ve been using Tintin’s phone as a hotspot, and should be ok, just no FaceTime calls until after the 17th!
Dean the drone went up after we had published the blog but here are the photos of the Château.

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