Chaunay - 7 November 2018
Well, it rained all night and it rained nearly all the day! Kay drove up the dual carriageway for about one and a half hours to Chaunay. Highlight of the day, free electric. So Dave’s batteries are getting a good charge, the inside is a lovely 20° with electric heating and the fridge is on electri

7 November
Many weeks ago, back in September on our way through France, we bought a 3ltr box of rosé wine. We seem to have drunk lots of glasses, and it’s been used in cooking a couple of times - and we only finished it last night. Very cheap to run on wine!
Last night we rewatched a good film called ‘Now you see me’ - think from 5 years ago. Neither of us could remember the ending!
It was so quiet last night, plus, there were no street lights overhead so we could actually have the blind open to see when it was daylight.
Seeing daylight and doing anything about it are different things! Rain, and nothing but rain so stayed in bed this morning. Won’t confess til what time!
Me driving today, again on the same road, same wet driving conditions. However, not so many trucks! We were singing along to Whitney Houston, and then the soundtrack from Bridget Jones. It’s good to listen to some of our old music which never gets a look in at home!

Often we need to have an attitude of gratitude. Today may have been raining for hours and hours, but on the plus side, the weather is warmer - and it makes us appreciate the nearly nine weeks of good weather we’ve had! And really, where do you stop, we’re healthy (?!), retired, can travel where we want, in a new motorhome. Plus, plus - have family, friends and a home to go to! Arrived at:
Chaunay - free
For those of you who know my husband well, one of his gummy grins came out today! The reason? Well, free Aire - and free electric hook-up! Means our batteries can be recharged, we can have heating on, the fridge and heating water can run on electric instead of gas! It’s the first time we’ve bothered - probably because we haven’t had sun for a few days, in addition, we’re not really driving long distances to sufficiently charge the batteries, and we’re using more energy - darker, colder etc...

Managed a short walk around the town. Really not much to see, but we needed to wait for 30 minutes until the boulangerie was open! The church had Roman origins, looked better outside than in. Was dank, dark, cold and smelly!

There are some lovely pictures painted onto the side of a house, I especially like the little girl posting a letter!

Saw a couple of cats, but not up close enough. One dog ran the length of the perimeter of his house, barking all the way. In the corner he could only see by jumping, so was a bouncy dog, up and down until he was sure we’d passed! The other dog was so friendly, didn’t bark, we stroked him/her - poor thing didn’t have a tail - had to stop when it’s owner came out and asked if we were looking for something!

The boulangerie was a little disappointing - the cakes left looked a bit burnt - so both had a pain au raison - average!
Tintin hasn’t even bothered with his camera the last couple of days - so just snapshots from my phone.
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