Courtonne-la-Merdrac - 17 May 2022
Walked around the lake this morning and debated where to go. Ended up here and very pleasant it is. Nearly had an accident when a large load truck decided he didn’t have to give way at a roundabout.

Tuesday, 17 May 2022 - Courtonne-la-Meurdrac
Quick blog today - been a slow day - with very few photos!
We were a bit alarmed to hear youths shouting out and around in the dark last night, and then heard what sounded like three gun shots - but we’re ok! Anyway, heard them all drive away - then just back to the sound of frogs!
A picture of my husband this morning! We really like being able to sit up in bed in the mornings, have a cuppa, read the news, have breakfast and decide where to go!

Went for a 30 minute walk around the lake, very peaceful - but did get wet feet from all the dew. Please excuse the wet hair photo - haven’t been using the hair dryer!

Again, we’d spent ages trying to decide where to go. Plumped for this place, reviews were good, plus we can service Dave again before we head further north - where there might possibly be less access to service places.

It’s a total change of scenery now we’re in Calvados area in Normandy. Tintin drove for about 1-3/4 hours in the end. Colin the Co-pilot had a glitch which meant about 10 minutes driving to get back on the correct route! Some of the roads today have been a bit bumpy! Maybe different budgets for road maintenance!
We did however fill up with diesel for only €1.82 per litre. But, I had to give them my card first - to charge a maximum of €150 before the pump would work - very strange.
Also, had our closest encounter at a roundabout. A huge truck just pulled out straight in front of us, despite us being on the roundabout! The driver wasn’t even the slightest concerned!
About 4pm we went for a short 5 mile cycle ride. It was very uphill, then downhill, then on roads - and basically just too hot!

Dave did get to 38°, but that’s because the gauge was near the open door - however - it’s been hot, and now very humid.
We’re outside, enjoying a rum - waiting for the temperature to drop enough to cook the chilli I made at home and froze.
First time this trip that Dave has been up on ramps.

Tomorrow we’re hoping to visit Père Magloire for a calvados experience! Should be cooler after the rain forecast for overnight!
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