Cushendun, Cushendall,Whitehead and finally Carrickfergus - 25 May 2023

25 May 2023 - Cushendun/Cushendall/Whitehead/Carrickfergus
It’s been a bit of a nothing day really. Data issues continued - nearly 24 hours later - and still not sorted out with RWG our data sim provider. They don’t answer the phone, we’ve only been able to email using Tintin’s phone as a hotspot. They’ve said we’ve used our allowance of 200GB. We knew this, (they were supposed to advise us when we were up to 80% usage - nothing) and we have paid twice to double the data. At this moment in time, the polite way of saying it is - we’re not impressed by their customer service… It’s now 17.30, so they’re not going to respond today, so Tintin has had to buy an expensive top-up bundle on his Guernsey JT sim.
How did we cope before data? We use it so much for research, maps etc. Went old school and used maps!
Tintin wanted to drive as he didn’t drive for long the other day. Mainly on A2 around the coast. The skies looked bluer, but still chilly.

Stopped off at Cushendun. Hardly anyone around, but it looked a nice place.

The scenery was lovely, but quite a few photos were taken through the front windscreen, so some reflection - but you’ll get the gist.

Cushendall wasn’t as easy to park in the town, so parked up by the RNLI slip.

Parked up at Whitehead and had lunch in Dave. Weren’t happy with being there for the rest of the day, so drove to Carrickfergus. Stopped off on the way at a golf club, and paid our £2 to service Dave.

Sainsbury’s is just across the road from the carpark, so went and topped up.
Chatted to a lovely man and lady in the castle entrance, which was the tourist information too. Too late for a castle visit, but after all sorts of discussions - decided we’ll leave Dave here in the general carpark tomorrow, and catch the train into Belfast. The man seemed to think it was the safer option. Another moho owner this morning said he’d paid £30 for a campsite near Belfast and cycled in, but just seems easier all around to take the train in.

We’ve spent the whole day distracted by being unable to contact RWG and resolve our data issues - therefore - short blog today!
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