Day out in St Ives 10 April 2019
Jamie had an interview close to St Ives so were dropped there to have a walk in the spring sunshine.

10.04 - Woke up after a surprisingly good night’s sleep. There is a stream running down alongside where we’re parked (which flows into the sea). Where does all the water come from! 24/7 - and seems to run fast even without rain!
J had a meeting near St Ives, so he dropped us all off - and we had a couple of hours walking around. We’ve been there before, very pretty - but really wouldn’t like to be there too long! So many people! Must be Easter holidays. So many foodie shops - pasties, ice-cream, fish and chips etc. It’s a shame that traffic can go along the front!
We of course had to try another pasty! The seagulls aren’t scared by much! And there are loads of them - to the extent that all the windows of the houses along the front are covered in 💩!
More rum in the evening along with a J and Bel cooked chicken and chorizo paella, then we watched the film Passengers. Tough life! Last night was the new (to us) Mission Impossible film!
Lovely sunny weather, but still chilly in the shade. Beautiful scenery on the half hour drive to and from!

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