Dudelange, Luxembourg 24 April 2019
Today’s the day we decided to enter Luxembourg. Stocked up on cheap diesel and lpg just across the border and on to a small aire with luckily one space left when we arrived. Had a walk in to town but the heavens opened after we had been to the tourist office, so lack of photos today.

24.04.19 - Last night caught up with Celebrity SAS. Very brave people, going on tv to be shouted at, and taken out of their comfort zone - but for a good cause!
Peaceful night. There were a few mohos parked overnight in the end.
We did our run 2 this morning (same as a couple of days ago). Big difference was it was hilly! Felt like I couldn’t do it, but did! Did I enjoy it? Probably not - however, in our own small way - it takes us out of our comfort zone - and feel good when finished! Long way to go, but patience and time needed. Even though Tintin is a decade older, he fares better than I do, as proportionately I am over weight! Also, I could swim for hours, whereas Tintin struggles and gets out of breathe easily, like I do jogging! Think my shape may have something to do with it! Good job we both enjoy cycling and walking - more evenly matched!
On our last trip, neither of us changed weight - our walking and riding maybe cancelled out the extra eating and drinking! On a personal note, at home I generally weigh myself most days, obviously here there is no means to do so! Both of us had been 5:2 ing since January - and both started this trip 1/2 stone lighter than last trip. Will be interesting to see what happens this time! When we’re active here it’s more than at home, however, we do sit and read for hours at a time...
I was driving today. Stopped at the service place - slowest water supply ever - and the button was hard to keep pushed in - took it in turns!
Drove about 90 minutes. Only reason to know we’re in a different country is that Co-pilot makes us accept a new country when crossing the ‘border’. Stopped off to get fuel. Was €1.22 per litre for diesel, compared with €1.42 in France (was average £1.30 in the UK). Also topped up on LPG, which is 15 cents per litre cheaper...

Tintin found our place to stay for free on CamperContact. Were lucky, and had the last space - only takes 8. We’re in a place called Dudelange.

Very different looking country driving through. Streets feel smaller. Lots of pedestrian crossings, which have a sign hanging in the road. Many colourful houses. Also lots of people around - even over lunch time - unlike in France where lunch is very important!

After lunch, tried to do some research on Luxembourg city. Went for a walk into town, was about 15 minutes away. Very helpful lady in the tourist office. She was a bit like a giant! Must have been well over 6 foot! She said the official language is Luxembourgish and at school they learn German first, then French, and at high school can choose English or Latin. Being bordered by some many countries, they have to speak many languages. Puts us to shame!

So, Luxembourg is a constitutional monarchy, with the head of state being HRH Grand Duke Henri. Grand Duke Luke died yesterday at the age of 98, so flags were being flown at half mast. It has a population of 602,000 and a surface area of 2,587 km2. Anyway, came away with a rucksack full of brochures to read! By then it was raining, luckily we’d packed our umbrellas! Ran into the church nearby. Catholic Church called St Martin! Now, we’re not religious people, but for some obscure reason tend to pop into churches. Maybe it’s because I like stained glass windows? Anyway, this church was like - wow! The ceiling was like a giant fresco. Very impressive. Also the front doors were stained glass instead of big heavy wooden doors. Didn’t smell old either!

The number plates in Luxembourg are a mixture. Standard is two letters, followed by four numbers, but seen a few like in the picture, with only numbers, a bit like Guernsey!
Well, we got fairly damp walking back to Dave. Umbrellas in the shower to dry off! Would like to go into Luxembourg city tomorrow, as we’ve found out the train in is only €4 each for the day - only have to make one change of train too. However - the weather will be the deciding factor!
Off now to make a mushroom chilli for tea!

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