Gijon - 2 October 2018
Decided we had enough of the Basque country and we would start making our way to Portugal. Gijon was about 3 hours drive down the motorway. Stopped off at San Vicente de la Barquea for fuel and decided it was such a nice place we stayed for lunch and managed to buy a Spanish sim card to get some d

The picture above is not Gijon but San Vicente de la Barquea where we stopped for lunch.
2 October
By about 10.30 pm last night most of the human noise had finished, but I was reminded of the film, Lady and the Tramp, as we could hear dogs barking for hours, it was like they were all talking to each other! Was also cool enough to be able to close most of the blinds on the overhead hatches, as once again, too bright with overhead lights!
Left about 10 am with the mission of driving over 3 hours to Gijon. Could see parts of Bilbao as we drove past/around/through? - looked pretty built up! Also gave up on going to Santander. For the majority of today, the roads - which were all free, were smooth. Dave has never been so quiet. Tintin happy, as last fix on the window seems to have resolved the squeaking!
Photos today were mainly through the window when Tintin was driving, so not brilliant! Went past the Picos de Europa, which maybe we’ll get to visit on the way back!

Random photo of my nails! Bought some Cien stuff from Lidl, for about £1, only used one coat, brush the best of all previously used, and so far lasting much better than any of my usual brands. Well impressed! I know, how sad is that!

Diesel was about €1.40/ltr on the motorway, so made the decision to go off into a town. What a revelation! Went to San Vicente de la Barquera. Not only was fuel €1.20/ltr, but we parked right alongside the estuary/promenade. Went for a walk, quite touristy - but what a nice feel about the area. Glad people are speaking Spanish here! Tintin may be able to converse a little! Found the tourist information, and asked about phone shops. Was our lucky day. A lady who spoke enough English was able to supply us with 20GB of data, plus 2,000 free minutes for €20 with Digimobil! Result 😊 Phoned Mum to try it out, as often we have problems with phoning Guernsey, but worked fine!

Tintin will be pleased as I’m happier today than I was yesterday. Again, ‘they’ say everything comes to those who wait. I just have to learn to be more patient!
Lunch, then back on the road, and arrived at:
Gijon - N43°32.645’ W005°41.734’ - free
Described as adjacent to port entrance, main road and a railway line, all in use and noisy all night with goods arriving at port. Another salubrious destination!

Parked up, and tried to use my phone as a hotspot, quick call to Digimobil - free number with English spoken - and it works! You can relax, we can now write our blog!
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