Herbignac - 10 September 2018
On the way to Herbignac went food shopping at Intermarche and topped up with GPL (gas). The Aire at Herbignac was very sloping so we parked up at the end of a track all on our own. Walked round the lake and into town which was mostly closed Mondays.

10 September
Wow, wasn’t the Bodyguard good on BBC1 last night! Let’s hope we can continue to watch the rest of the episodes wherever we are!
It’s a good job we’re not going anywhere fast! Got up and ready at a reasonable time. Took a while to empty and fill Dave (slowly) with water. Drove only about 15 minutes to an Intermarche in Elven. Shopping takes a while too, firstly because the stores are so big, and secondly because we need to understand what we’re buying! Forgot to pack can opener, and of course packed some cans that don’t have a ring pull. And yes, the tins we brought with us are new and not some out of date relics from my cupboard! Shopping was €69. So far, can’t see that food shopping is any cheaper. Also disappointed with fresh fruit and veg - definitely not up to Mr M&S standard! Just one yellow pepper was over €1 and lots of the stuff wouldn’t even go on the shelves at home, as already overripe and some a bit mouldy.
Tintin thought we’d fill up with LPG - well, it’s all a bit cold and hasn’t gone well yet when filling! This time some gas was escaping, but when we tried to carry on topping up, we couldn’t - went to pay, and started again, and then paid again - however, now full for less than €10 - which should last over a month!
Herbignac - N47°26.444’ W002°19.767’ - free
En route drove over a bridge across the river Vilaine? In Marzan - looked very pretty.

Drove for about an hour to Herbignac, now in Pays de Loire. We’re in shaded parking next to a lake. Tintin reversed up the whole lane to find a more level place to park, in dappled sunshine rather than shade, which felt too gloomy.
Went off walking around the lake, and then to try and find the town. Once again, an absolutely huge church. Nice inside too, as it was light and airy with lots of sandstone and different stained glass windows. Not sure Tintin spent enough time in the confessional, but we didn’t have all day!

About 7,500 steps, so better than nothing! Back in time for a cup of tea! The plan is to leave earlyish tomorrow to go towards St Nazaire, as Tintin would like to see the submarine pens.
We seem to be having lots of problems with our navigation system, co-pilot - keeps coming up with an error message, Tintin then has to switch off the iPad to re-boot. Very irksome! Also, Tintin should have had 6G in his Vodafone number, but only has 2. He’s currently on a help desk call with someone in India! Also, one of our floor hatches has dropped a little. We bought some glue when shopping, as certain parts on Dave are becoming unstuck. He looks the part, but we think the Italians made him on a Friday afternoon!
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