Horgen - 02 May 2024

02.05 - Still at Horgen
Super speedy blog - not much to say - again!
Yesterday, XCweather, Accuweather and meteoswiss all said we were in for at least 9mm of rain from about 11am today - so we made plans accordingly. By this morning the forecasts were a little better - but still rain due.
We went out walking for about 90 minutes earlier on this morning - before predicted rain. Quite pleasant through the trees. There are vitaparcours areas too - just areas you can workout with suggestions of what to do.

The highlight of the day was meeting Bailey, such a friendly little cat. We used to have a cat called Bailey too. We needed our cat fix - miss Lady Millie.

All of a sudden about 2pm it was so windy, trees dropping lots of leaves - we thought - this is it, heard lots of thunder - but not a drop of rain! (yet!)
We’ve had a chill out afternoon, catching up on Race Across the World.
We’ve stayed where we’re parked, as we’re only about 30 minutes away from our Lindt chocolate experience at lunchtime tomorrow. After which, we’ll probably depart Switzerland and drive into either Germany or France - no plans yet! Been too busy 😉
And, of course - what just pulled up near us - yet another police car! Let’s hope they don’t come back later to move us on. Once again, there’s no sign post to say we can’t park here, and it’s not a metered place or restricted hours…

Good job it’s nearly rum o’clock!
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