Labastide d’Armagnac Day 2 - 23 September 2018
A bike ride through very small villages, all with large churches and that’s it, no shops.

23 September
Have to smile, only in France - last night was taking the rubbish to the bins and saw the little green fencing outside a moho on the grass, and being nosy had to look inside. The people were taking their tortoise on holiday!

Used my running app for the last time - now have to pay £8 for the privilege to continue! Took it really slowly, as if going slower is even possible! Found the voie verte by accident - and there at the start of the lane, appearing out of the mist were two deer 🦌 - by the time I’d paused the app to take a picture, they were gone! At the end of the day, at least we’re out and about and moving, regardless of speed, and I am impatient to do better - but last time I ran was over three decades ago - and have to be cautious because of my deep vein thrombosis.
Tintin went off to get a baguette for lunch - which we took out riding after making up. If I’m honest, wasn’t a particularly nice ride. The cycle track was really bumpy, the ‘towns’ we went through seemed to be more of just a group of houses - also had to keep mouths shut - lots of flying bugs! Did see a few birds of prey, but weren’t quick enough to photograph. Rode about 21 miles today, came back on the roads a different way. Long straight roads, without much to see!

At the start, rode through the town. Set out in a large square, very pretty - looks ancient! Best part for me was the two friendly cafe cats!

Sat and read again. A nice English couple, Tim and Jane - who we’d spoken to earlier came over for a chat. They stayed for a rum and coke, as they’d never had one before! Very brave people, both hated their jobs, he’s an accountant and she’s an art teacher. They resigned, sold their house and bought their van. They’ve been traveling since July, and loving it! Know they’ll have to work again at some stage because they are still in their 50’s and will need more income. I love the fact that you can just strike up conversation with almost everyone, because we all have a common interest. Didn’t get to go back into the town to try some Armagnac - by the time the couple had left it was too late.
Finished watching the Jack Ryan series, was quite good - but don’t think about the plot too much!
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