Lavos Praia - 21 October 2018
Decided not to let Colin Co-Pilot navigate today and took the small roads down coast, one word, bumpy. At Lavos Praia where the motorhomes look like they are taking root. The recent storm certainly has left its mark on the landscape.

21 October
The rain last night was unexpected! It didn’t dampen the noise of the Portuguese having a get together. It did mean we had to close all the hatches, so was a warm night!
Lazy Sunday morning! My turn to drive. Today I had Tintin as my co-pilot, as we didn’t trust Colin the Co-Pilot! It was really strange to drive without the iPad Pro in front of me, which tells me my speed, plus the actual speed limit and of course all the directions/maps...
Today’s drive of nearly two hours was on about the worst road surfaces yet. Very bumpy! Speed limit was only 50km most of the time, just as well. On route there were suddenly lots of cars - a market - looked even larger than the French ones! Drove over a very impressive bridge near Figueira da Foz, looked like a very big town.

Fair to say driving today gave Tintin good reason to get up multiple times to try and ascertain where the squeaks are coming from! It was also very apparent that the storm from a week ago (when we were in Peso da Regua), hit this area hard. There are broken trees everywhere, not just the top branches, but largish trees snapped off nearer the roots. Arrived in a bone shaken state at:

Lavos Praia - free
Essentially a large sandy car park for 30 mohos, next to the beach. After lunch went for a walk. Beach is lovely, very dramatic looking skies. Even without there having been a storm, feels like quite a run down area. There were many road signs bent over, windows missing, roof tiles ripped off - must have been frightening to have been here. There is sand on all the roads, even quite a few streets back from the beach. On the way in we saw that we wouldn’t be able to use the cycle path as it was covered in fallen trees.

Has been pleasant weather, sunny, but also cloudy and possibly looking like rain at times. Have been happy to sit in Dave and read our books.
The Dutch we met over a week ago stopped to say hello and catch up with where we’ve both been! I guess we’re easy to recognize with our number plate!
Just finished another book. Really have to read more slowly, I only have one more of my actual books left to read, then it’s my iPad or I’ll have to read some of Tintin’s, which will be far more grown up - and I might have to think!

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