Los Alcázares, Cartagena and Villaricos - 22 & 23 September 2024

Los Alcázares, Cartagena and Villaricos - 22 & 23 September 2024
Amphitheater at Cartagena

22.09 - Day 2 Los Alcázares, Murcia

Happy to report we both had a good sleep! 

A bit of a slow start - trying to decide where to go next - so gave up on that idea and decided to get the bikes out. 

Also, because we have access to free water - decided we’d do all our laundry again - so left it all to soak before going out.

A brightly coloured car - maybe for people who don’t know which colour to choose?!

The paved seafront is 4.5km each way. I like the idea of the seats, under the shade - in the sea!

Rode to the end - that’s where the dogs’ beach and play area is - even a free agility training area. 

Went for a 30 minute swim out to a bobber and back. Was a bit dubious as we saw a jumping fish - who leapt out - over and over - big one too! Tintin only told me later they’re usually jumping to avoid something bigger trying to eat them 😳

Came back here for lunch, via the garage to pick up a warm baguette!

Faffed around with the laundry, serviced Dave to fill up with water again, then decided it was time for another swim. The same place, and another 30 minutes - breeze came up this afternoon - so a bit more slappy!

Tintin also had a phone consultation with a doctor in Madrid - €20. All arranged in a short time, and has emailed him a prescription for further antibiotics to help his ankle heal. Pretty good service for a Sunday too. We should be able to collect the prescription from anywhere - so instead of getting the bikes out again to go here, will wait to see where we go tomorrow. Cycled 10 miles today. Tintin also had an al fresco hair cut!

Nearby to our swim was a restaurant offering mojitos - so would be rude not to seeing as it was 6pm. Well - we weren’t sure there was any alcohol in them. They blitz the mint - so the drink looks a little like pond life!

We also had the 5 course menu for €8.50 each. No photos, all quite edible - and the most vegetables we’ve consumed since being away! Gave them €35. Murcia is still inexpensive, the Costa Cálida can’t quite compete with the prices in the Costa Blanca yet!

23.09 - Cartagena then Villaricos, Andalusia 

No specific reason - but I just didn’t sleep well last night - read my book, listened to a few albums - some of you know how it is…

This morning, we waited about 20 minutes for a couple of Spanish girls to ‘service’ their California van. They were washing their dishes, even using the tap for black water - not good etiquette! 

Tintin drove today. First stopped off at the Repsol garage nearby to top up with diesel and buy a baguette (was good yesterday!). Then drove about 30 minutes to a shopping centre carpark on the outskirts of Cartagena. Quick bit of food shopping, lunch in Dave, bikes out and off we went. 

Cartagena - population c. 214,800 has a natural harbour which has been used for thousands of years. 

On the way, we stopped off at the pharmacy, and Tintin picked up his further supply of antibiotics - €6. We’ve been impressed with the service of the doctor, she even messaged to ask whether he’d picked up his prescription, and also said he can contact her for the next week via WhatsApp. Maybe it’s the way to go in Guernsey - save us money and time when we know it’s not a complicated diagnosis and just need access to medication? I certainly would have done that. Nearing the end of Covid, I knew I had shingles, woke up in the middle of the night, itching - looked at the rash and recognized the need for medication - but obviously had to go through the hassle of actually seeing a doctor - time for him to confirm - about a minute!

Lovely paved and wide big main street down towards the harbour - went for a ride around the marinas. There seemed to be a lack of places to lock our bikes, in fact - a lack of other bikes!  Locked them up. We were too late for the tourist information - closed 13.30 - and didn’t open until 5pm - really helpful 😉

We wandered up towards the old amphitheater, then higher to the castle with excellent views in all directions. It was about 30° by then - glad there was some breeze. Later driving the outside temperature was 33°. 

After we walked down - stopped off for a cold soft drink in the shade - €4.40. Cycled back to Dave - only about 6 miles in the end - and about 8,000 steps. 

We’re on our way south, but spent ages trying to find somewhere suitable about 2 hours away from Cartegena. Lots of places don’t welcome mohos, others have nudist/LGBT/gay beaches - and some generally bad reviews - and mainly for cars or vans…

After about a two hour drive through really rural Spain, we’re at Villaricos in Almeria, Andalusia. 

It was sad to see so much rubbish strewn alongside the roads - reminiscent of Italy. Miles and miles of ‘stuff’ being grown under plastic. 

Not sure what to say about our park up. The bonus is we’re in front of the sea. There’s space for about 100 mohos, it’s free, with no services - but hopefully will fall asleep to the sound of the sea…