Lumbier & Javier - 10 September 2024

Lumbier & Javier - 10 September 2024

10.09 - Lumbier (gorge) and Javier (castle)

It’s strange being up and about at 7.30am ish - the sun hasn’t risen yet!

We part serviced Dave just down the road from where we’d been parked. To get water we needed to get a token - from a sports centre - which wasn’t shown on any map - we’d had a quick look yesterday on our bikes and couldn’t find it. Not sure many people bother!

Tintin would drive everyday, but I feel the need to, or else I might lose my nerve! So, me driving today. First stopped off and filled up with GPL - was easy - even had a smiling lady do it for us!

Thought we’d better do some shopping whilst we were around bigger towns. Visited Eroski. Height barriers everywhere of 2.8m - maybe to stop mohos parking overnight? Anyway, parked alongside. It’s a huge store - interesting to see the different foods. Google translate was needed! We get unseasonal fruit year around at home - doesn’t seem to be the case in Europe…

The actual drive to Lumbier was only about 45 minutes. Co-pilot threw a hissy fit close to the end. Suffice to say expletives were used (again) - plus reversing and changing direction needed! 

We finally parked up and had lunch, then bikes out. About 7 miles today - would have taken forever to walk it - especially in the heat!

We visited the Lumbier gorge - a spectacular cleft in the rock through which the Irati train used to run. It is 2.6km long - with lots of griffon vultures soaring above. They can measure 2.7m wing tip to wing tip.

Good job Tintin had his camera to zoom in on them. Thoroughly enjoyable being out in nature at its best. Beautiful blue clear sky - but was ever so windy. Wasn’t very busy either.

From there we drove only about 25 minutes to Javier to see the castle. Roads seemed deserted on the way! We were the only ones in the large carpark. 

Visited the Basilica first. It always surprises me how silent it is inside. A couple of men were praying - but no Gregorian chanting. 

Then we visited the castle. Saint Francis Xavier, a missionary and patron saint of Navarre was born and lived in the castle. It was partially destroyed in 1516, but reconstructed - last work done in 2006. Was €7 for both of us.  Inexpensive to get in, but felt a bit ‘Disney’ like - was too orderly and restored. Lots of displays and even a leaflet in English. Also wasn’t busy!

Dean the drone had a quick fly around in the wind.