Mérida then Aljucén - 11 October 2024

Mérida then Aljucén - 11 October 2024

11.10 - Mérida to visit and Aljucén to sleep

Road noise and distant dogs barking in Elvas last night - but fine. 

Might have rained overnight, not sure - but was quite heavy at 6am. It continued probably until about 14.00. However, we crossed back into Spain, so we’re now an hour ahead again. Definitely nothing to show for the crossing of a border!

I was driving today. Nearly 2 hours in total, allowing time for filling up with GPL just outside Badejoz, and then driving around and around in Mérida - looking for a place to park. Park4night had mainly side of road street parking. There is one paid for place - with average reviews, and would cost nearly €20, plus we didn’t want to stay there, and didn’t know if the rain would hold off! It was jam packed with cars!

Drove over the bridge and found lots of space to park - just meant a longer walk!

Mérida - population 58,174 - is the capital of Extremadura and home to the most impressive and extensive Roman ruins in all Spain - according to my book!

After lunch we armed ourselves with coats and umbrellas. Delighted to say that we survived nearly 2 hours walking without getting wet - started raining just as we got back 😊 Just to say, we don’t mind getting wet - just harder to dry everything off in Dave!

The Roman bridge spans the Río Guadiana. At 792m in length with 60 granite arches, it’s one of the longest bridges built by the Romans. Constructed in 25 BC!, then partly restored in the 17th century. The bridge we walked over is the 20th century Puente Lusitania - which is prettier? And which will last?!

Rain, or sun - ice creams were consumed! €5 

We found Diana’s Temple - inaccurately named for its now known to be dedicated to the Imperial cult, it’s a 1st century BC temple. 

These are 1st century Roman ruins with Corinthian columns and historical statues. 

We’d already seen the ginger cat running off from a restaurant with food in its mouth - then we saw it lounging around looking cute. I fed it the remaining cat biscuits I carry around. Bet it went off for a snooze with a full tummy!

From here, I became a bit belligerent ☹️ As ever, when UNESCO get involved, it means we all pay more! The combined ticket to see most of Mérida’s sites cost €17. We thought we’d just go and see the Teatro Romano and Antiteatro. The man was just plain rude. Asked for proof of Tintin’s age for reduced rate, didn’t even say please! Then, as our passports are not part of EU, he’d have to pay full amount! By this stage, I was fed up - we’ve seen fantastic Roman ruins, amphitheaters etc - actually in Rome - so just went walking instead. 

Could see where the Roman baths were. Must be a difficult place to live. There are remains everywhere, must be hard to get permission to build!

Decided the dog on the balcony could cause grief when he wanted to pee! especially as it was over a supermarket!

The Arco de Trajano is a 14m high granite archway, and used to be covered in marble. 

Saw some cute little kittens in another excavated ruins site. It’s just so sad - wish I could take them all home with us and give them a happy and contented life…

Nearly 10,000 steps… Chewing gum has a lot to answer for! Obviously difficult to remove - and makes paved areas look horrible and stained. Thought a lot of the areas today looked sad and run down…

I then drove for about 20 minutes - and we’re parked up on an Aire at Aljucén so we can service Dave tomorrow morning. 

Shock horror - I’m obviously spending too long writing this - my husband is going to cook! Chicken curry 😊

Sad to have missed the Northern lights in Guernsey last night - this is a picture from Facebook. 

It’s chucking it down with rain again - but still feels warm enough - think about 19° today. We’re still in t-shirts, shorts, sandals etc, can tell who are the tourists! Residents are in jeans, jumpers and coats!

Treat tonight - ironed clean sheets 😊 It’s the simple pleasures in life!

Tintin is finally finishing off the 3 litre box of rosé wine - but we did buy it in France at the beginning of September - obviously drinking too much rum and coke instead!