Moncofa - 16 & 17 September 2024

Moncofa - 16 & 17 September 2024

16.09 - Moncofa, Castellon, Valencia

Seemed too warm to sleep last night - hence not enough sleep for me!

We serviced Dave this morning at Teruel - and put a ‘white wash’ on! We fill a huge plastic box with hot water, detergent and all the clothes - then drive for a while to agitate, then on arrival at our destination, rinse, and spin clothes. Today, we even hung them out - only took about an hour before everything was dry - result!

Tintin drove today. Stopped on the first roundabout to fill up with diesel - basically because it was just there and easy! He drove for about 90 minutes. Again, nothing really inspiring - but good to see lots of oleanders again!

As it’s been about 28° today, we wanted to be by the sea. Another free site at Moncofa. When we were sorting out our laundry, had the company of a little kitten. He drank lots of water we put down, then demolished my last slice of ham - even ventured inside Dave for some cheese. Couldn’t touch him though. We’ve now been to the supermarket and bought him some kitten biscuits. Have we seen him again - no! Maybe tomorrow…

After lunch, walked about 10 minutes to the beach. I know I had my sunglasses on - but wow - the sea colour from a distance was a beautiful turquoise. 

It’s a stony beach, but they’re mainly flat - so not like walking at Fermain! The sea is so warm! Average sea temperature here is about 24°! If Guernsey had such sea temperatures there wouldn’t be any reason to leave. First swim for Tintin this year without his wetsuit 😊

Couldn’t resist - we went for a walk on the shore line - then I swam back - fabulous! Even showered off on the beach - and no sand to bring home. It was stony, then just sand about hip height onwards in the sea. Spent a few hours just enjoying being on the beach, listening to the sea - we were only a few feet away. 

Came back to Dave via the supermarket, just a few bits until we stock up again. 

Beautiful sunset tonight. Also the pesky moon is nearly full (in 2 days) - was shining in my eyes last night! It’s a conundrum - when warm, need the roof vents open (with bug screen across!) but usually carparks have lots of overhead lighting - which then shines in, unless you use the blinds - and then you don’t get enough fresh air…

Never ceases to amaze me - once again quite a few mohos parked up - but no noise…

Susie - hope your birthday lunch was good 😊 

17.09 - Day 2 at Moncofa

It was quite warm last night - but I think it was cooler than previous night.

Had a chilled out lazy day. We’ve now done the rest of the laundry, all dry and put away and up to date - what a nice feeling!

We walking this morning into ‘town’. Amazed that places open from 7am - most cafes mid morning had lots of people sitting, eating and drinking. The tourist information office should have been open according to opening times - but wasn’t!

Bought some ice-creams - we’ve been spoilt by Italian gelato! (€5.60) - so just ok - nothing wonderful!

Beautiful Chinese hibiscus 😊

Couldn’t help ourselves - had taken bathers ‘in case’. Well, we were hot by then - had a fabulous swim to cool down. It wasn’t as swelly as yesterday - so could actually swim. 

We saw a couple of cats, but they were too busy hunting to be interested in us. Came back to Dave for lunch. 

Went back to the beach and spent a few hours under our umbrella reading books. The forecast was wrong again - should have been cloudy - but wasn’t. This time I took some kitten biscuits - did we see any - no!

The saga with Tintin’s ankle not healing continues. The pharmacy re-opened at 5pm (!) - so we walked back. Luckily the lady spoke some English. General gist is she couldn’t give out antibiotics - and has given us a place to go tomorrow morning to see a doctor. Tintin has read the reviews of the place - doesn’t sound too promising 😉 

Yet another avocado salad for tea - still too hot to want to cook. We’ve done 11,000 steps (on my phone) (12,000 - on Tintin’s watch?) just wandering around. 

Now comes the debate about where to go tomorrow. We’re prevaricating, and said we’ll look at the forecast again in the morning…