Mühlau - 30 April 2024

30.04 - Mühlau
Really not much to say today! Had a quiet night last night.
Couldn’t really find anywhere to park down in Zug without hassle to have a look around at the old town - so stayed where we were this morning. Today has only been about getting Dave sorted.
We have spent literally hours trying to find places to park in the next few days before we leave Switzerland on Saturday. So frustrating! Not motorhome friendly in this area! I find it quite hard to even know which canton we’re in - and what laws apply…
We were serenaded for ages this morning by two men outside the chapel playing their alphorns - one more successfully than the other 😉

Tintin drove to the Fiat place in plenty of time - had lunch and waited for them to open at 13.30. All quite bizarre handing over the keys to our current home and walking off leaving him with people who didn’t speak English - a leap of faith!

We walked through a park to a big shopping mall, and wandered around for about an hour. Shame the chocolate fountain was just out of reach!

A police car - even in the park!

There were lots of these DiscGolfPark things all through the park…

The temperature when walking back to Dave said 27° - was up to 29° when we drove by ten minutes later. Has been a humid, hazy sort of day. If the forecasts are right, should be ok tomorrow - then rain - for days - even in France!

So, without English really being spoken - we paid the CHF 318.50 for Dave’s new part and new engine coolant and were on our way.
The problem was where to go. Tintin drove about 20 minutes to another Park4Night place. Lovely views, however, just a patch of land on the corner of the road - felt vulnerable and in full sight! Had a cuppa, and found another place. Off again, another 20 minutes or so.

We saw lots of storks on the way, in a field which has just been mown (no photos). We’re parked with the River Reuss behind us. We’re now in Aargau canton instead of Zug…

Apparently - 21 cantons speak German, 7 French, 2 Italian, 1 Romansh and 4 cantons with multiple official languages. There are 26 cantons in total, among them several half cantons.
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