Muron - 16 September 2018
Started our ‘Couch to 5k’ this morning. Shock, we are running! Drove to Muron, village ESE of La Rochelle. Washing done and dried, exciting stuff. On our own tonight apart from the church bells.

16 September
There was lots of noise early last night, so we went for a wander about 5 minutes around the marina. There was a live band playing for what seemed like ages! The music seemed more Spanish and salsa like than French.
On the way back we saw the black thing in the photo. Again - any ideas? Admittedly not a very good photo, but was quite dark, and the zoom on my phone isn’t that great! Squid or cuttlefish?!

Being Saturday night, and being parked in a public place - it was quite noisy at times, but Tintin managed to sleep through!
Our first Couch to 5k this morning. It’s only 25 minutes, and includes a 5 minute warm up and 5 minute cool down walk! Think we both found it different to just running and stopping, ran for longer, but walked in between for longer too. Saw more of the area than we would have too!
My day to drive. Went towards the Aire in Sable d’Olonne to water up etc, but the fireman and policemen were ‘playing’ - but hadn’t yet blocked the road so I had to turn around. Confess to not being that confident at reversing - it’s hard to see where you’re going sometimes and to judge it right - will get better with experience!
Emptied and filled Dave. Spur of the moment decided we’d have a laundry day as we still had hot water, and lots of water. Stripped the beds, and gathered up anything white and put into soak. It’s fair to say everything had a good agitation, as we certainly went over some bumpy roads! Also drove for more like two hours to get to:

Muron - N46°02.176’ W000°49.660’ - free
Described in the book as a pleasant, peaceful small village Aire adjacent to the park with picnic area.
After lunch we spun the washing, rinsed, spun again and then turned Dave into a Chinese laundry! We opened all the windows, and put the fan on to assist drying time. Even though overcast all day, it has been really warm, about 28 degrees. Took a couple of hours to get everything dry. Good result!
It’s been that sort of nothing day, so soaked my feet and gave myself a pedicure - what luxury!
Used the Food Medic’s recipe book, and did my version of the lentil stuffed peppers tonight, was ok!
This Aire can take 5 motorhomes, but we’re the only ones - apart from a miserable French couple with their dog who had lunch and then left. How rude, we both said a cheery bonjour, and got ignored! Probably thought we were gypsies doing our laundry!

However, very close to the loud church bells which chimes every hour. Also think there must be a whole family of cockerels taking it in turn to make sure it’s not peaceful! For a very small village, lots of barking dogs and crying children this afternoon! Upmarket baguette machine, this one has choice!

Not many photos today, as we’ve had a doing rather than seeing day.
Tintin has just googled the weather for tomorrow, due to be 31 degrees! Best do a dark wash!
Just had a couple of little macaroons, they were from Lidl, and frozen - about a third of the price of M&S - and delicious!
Susie, if you’re reading this, then we hope you’ve had a wonderful special birthday 😊
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