Near Besançon - 04 April 2024

04.04 - Near Besançon
Despite being near a road - was very quiet last night - just the patter of rain! But all good - parked on tarmac!
Today’s ‘oh dear’ (fill in expletive!) moment was when the dangly part of my earring fell down into the sink drain hole. That’s why I don’t bother to change my earrings very often! Anyway, Tintin to the rescue with his tool box. He managed to support the bit enough that I could use my tweezers to pull it out. Would have been in trouble if I’d lost it - a gift from the dgs!
Most important, despite the rain was a walk to the boulangerie. The date Tintin is pointing to on the building is 1328, obviously in an old area. The staff in boulangeries seem to be without exception (so far) very friendly and happy - perhaps they get paid in cakes 😊

Tintin started driving today (about 2-1/2 hours) - we felt sorry for the men picking up litter in the rain on the sides of the road. It is lovely not to see litter everywhere.

Since being in France, we’ve seen lots of village sign posts upside down - so had to Google why. The act is a protest by local farmers to raise visibility of the challenges they face. From the amount we’ve seen - there’s lots of angry farmers!
It’s been raining a lot of the day - not really heavy - just intermittent wipers kind of day.

The roads weren’t quite so good - lots of patchwork tarmac today. Also went on the very scenic routes!

We could see how high the water level is when we saw trees half hidden.

We stopped off on the outskirts of Dijon to have lunch. Fact for Hercy - Dijon mustard was first used in 1336 for the table of King Philip VI, it assumed its current form in 1856 when Jean Naigeon of Dijon replaced the vinegar usually used in prepared mustard with verjuice, the acidic juice of unripe grapes.
I was driving then for about 1-1/2 hours - Co-pilot decided to take us right through Besançon - maybe because of another diversion. We’re parked up along the Doubs river, just outside Besançon.

Rain had stopped, so bikes out and off we went. Nice cycle path alongside the river. Saw a great Cormorant drying its wings.

Rode up towards the Citadel. Had a quick look in the cathedral on the way up.

Once again, the Citadel is the work of Vauban, the military architect of Louis XIV - a busy man - seen his forts in many places.

Fantastic views right over Besançon and surrounding areas. Highlight was seeing various animals - as it wasn’t expected.

Cycled alongside the river for a while, then back to Dave (about 8 miles). Saw some people ‘Canadian kayaking’ and having a race - looks more unsteady on one knee - but no one fell in!

Caroline - a picture of our absolutely massive pain au raisin from today 😊

Tomorrow - Switzerland!
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