Near Müllheim - 1 June 2019
We decided after our run that it probably wasn’t a good idea to stay where we were on the Rhine as, being Saturday and sunny, it was going to get really busy. On the 3rd attempt we found a good place to park up near Müllheim in the hills. After lunch and FaceTiming we set off on our bikes into the

01.06.19 - Large tea last night, chicken cordon bleu, rosemary potatoes and sweetcorn - courtesy of Lidl, easy to do and tasty. Had the potatoes before, you just fry in a pan for 6 minutes (add rosemary at the end). There’s so much liquid, the first time I thought it would never work - it does - and they brown beautifully. I just won’t think too much about what rubbish is in there to make it happen! Sarah - don’t judge us!
Went for a walk along the path by the Rhine. Lots of people out - the two men and young boy who had been fishing all day, finally caught a fair sized fish - they camped there all night too! Along with some random man in his open ‘tent’.

The swans made us smile, lots of them upside down, waggling their tails and feet! Some of the ducks had quite a few ducklings which have survived which is good to see.

We also walked across the EDF weir - for all of 100m before being in France! Good job there is no border control. Also good job they didn’t close the gate with us in France and Dave in Germany!

The amount of water rushing through the gate made a deafening sound.

Tintin administered to my back with some of my mega mix (secret blend of essential oils for easing aches and pains). I think it helped!
People were around and about, but was fairly quiet by 11pm ish. I didn’t sleep particularly well again, think I woke each time I moved because of my back. My lucky husband can now sleep through anything. Like I said last trip - Captain Martini - any time, any place, anywhere!
Week 6, run 2 - done ✅. Really didn’t know if I could, but managed. Today was two runs of 10 minutes each.

Tintin thought that we should move Dave early this morning. The area was busy yesterday, and it being Saturday, and full on sunshine - would be busy today - and we take up more room than cars! I guess if we were German we’d say, we were there first - and tough luck - but we’re not, so didn’t!
Left early with a view to showering later. Tintin drove, in total for about 40 minutes, took 3 attempts before we found a suitable place. We’re now near Müllheim up in the trees in a big carpark.

A few days ago, it was 3° when we ran, today it was 14° - and has been high 20s all day. In fact at 6pm, we are sitting outside writing the blog as Dave is too warm - makes a very pleasant change!

After showers and lunch, went for a bike ride. Only 8 miles, but boy were some of them hilly and rocky! Body not that impressed! However, wonderful views over Müllheim and the Upper Rhine valley. Were back to riding amongst all the steep vines again - very pleasant. Came back via the roads. Saw an outdoor swimming pool which looked popular - €4 per day - was put off by all the excitable children!

Back at Dave, whilst I sat outside and read, Tintin replaced his back brake pads, fair to say they were well worn. He might have mentioned once or twice how good it would have been to have Jamie’s services!

The carpark has been busy most of the day with people having a BBQ, or leaving their cars to go walking or riding. At first, I thought there were lots of brave people venturing out on walking sticks - but no - Nordic walking is obviously a ‘thing’ over here - and loads do it! We’re back to being Billy again now!
Tintin intends on trying to watch the Spurs/Liverpool Champions League Final tonight - depends on how much data it eats! We seem to be close to a mast - and have much faster internet!
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