Near Norsingen - 2 June 2019
A knock on the door this morning, can you move please as we will be conducted a church service here! So we left, serviced Dave at the second attempt, bought some strawberries at a roadside stall and found a carpark in the fields of vines with a view. Chairs out, read books and the internet, too ho

02.06.19 - Nothing to add about the match, apart from why do men feel it necessary to talk, comment, get exasperated at watching grown men run around on a pitch, chasing a little ball, whilst getting paid stupid money?! And why is it ‘their’ team when they don’t know them personally - just saying!
Still really warm last evening, so an avocado salad for tea (compensation for large meal the night before!). However, as a perfectly edible bar of 100g of fruit and nut from Lidl is only 59c - would be rude not to eat cold chocolate from the fridge!
We heard a woodpecker both last evening and this morning - would have been great to see it too!
Had a surprise scrolling through Facebook this morning. Our niece, Ellen got married to Chris and they were married on Friday 31 May in Boston, Massachusetts. Many congratulations 🎉
If I was a betting person, I’d have lost money! What were the odds of being in bed, having a FaceTime chat with Sarah and Herc, and having a knock on the door this morning? Turns out, that in the remote carpark there was to be a religious service - and could we please move Dave to give them more room! We swiftly moved to the other side of the carpark, and had quick showers - and left incase we got blocked in by the masses!
I drove for about 90 minutes today. First to a moho area, but although it was full of mohos, no access to the service area. Drove to another one about 10km away. Success! Nice and clean, and filled up with water for 50c.
There are strawberries for sale in quite a few roadside stalls. I stopped at one just off a roundabout. Straight away, a German man in his moho in front came out and started babbling. I asked if he could speak English - he then said he couldn’t drive forwards (because it was a cycle path) I said I knew, and that I just wanted to buy some strawberries like him - and that I’d reverse out! Ah he said - all sorted then! Again - weird! 500g of lovely fresh strawberries for €1.50.

Drove up through the vines to a large carpark overlooking the upper Rhine valley. Near Norsingen? Bit sad that my Googlemaps and Tintin’s have us a different locations. I’ll go with his as it has GPS! Couple of other mohos here. Beautiful scenery. Our temperature gauge says it’s 30° today - so for the first time since we’ve been away, we’ve spent the afternoon just sitting outside under the awning in the shade. Thought about riding into Freiburg - but remained just a thought!

For a couple of days, we’ve had suspicion that all is not well with Dave. He smells of rotten eggs. We’re assuming Its something to do with the particulate filter not regenerating. He’s been up hills in third gear and got really hot so really shouldn’t have a problem, him being so young. Will have to monitor! Tintin took a look underneath, but wasn’t totally enlightened...

Too hot to cook a hot meal, so made a big pasta salad with boiled eggs, bacon, tomatoes, onions, cooked green beans, grated carrot - and anything else left in the fridge! Having said that, still hot boiling eggs, pasta, cooking bacon etc!
It’s gone 7pm, we still sat outside in the shade behind Dave, drinking rum, eating peanuts and enjoying a cool breeze. Perfect 👌
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