Plage de Sainte-Jacques, Sarzeau - 2 to 4 September 2024

Plage de Sainte-Jacques, Sarzeau - 2 to 4 September 2024

02.09 - Zoo and Castle - Bourbansais 

Condor Voyager departed on time at 14.00. By 17.00 (French time) we’d arrived in St Malo after a calm crossing. First off the ferry. Passport control was quick - just had to wait as the gates to escape were closed. They’re a new addition since our visit in April. 

We drove about 30 minutes, and parked up at a place we stayed a couple of times before - lovely and peaceful. The Tiekom data SIM card worked! We now have data to try to decide where we might be going. A lot will depend on the weather. Today has been very drizzly and damp - but cleared up once parked up. 

03.09 - Plage de Saint-Jacques - Sarzeau

Alone and peaceful overnight. I didn’t sleep that well, ended up using up data to play music!

I drove today - about 2-1/2 hours. Strange getting used to these things called gears again! Mainly dual carriageway - then bumpy narrower roads closer to the coast.

Parked up for free using Park4night. Weather looking sunny 😊 Walked for about 2 hours along the coast - tide was out - very pleasant. No ice cream to be had - get the feeling most places closed at the end of August. 

About 5pm, went for a swim on the beach which is about 3 minutes walk away. Quite windy - but the sea felt warmer than at home - and no jellyfish 🪼

Then sat outside in the perfect temperature evening sunshine for a drink and read of our books. 

Good end to the day - which has seen us both a little ‘flat’ and sad with life despite lovely scenery, and nothing going ‘wrong’. A week ago we took the heartbreaking decision to take the lovely Millie cat for her final visit to the vet. She’d gone downhill very rapidly. In fact she was due to come to France with us. It’s very lonely without her here - and we know how empty our home will be without her when we go home. Ultimately we knew it was the right decision for her - the vet agreed she was ‘ready’. For us, there would never be enough time with her…

04.09 - day 2 - Plage de Saint-Jacques - Sarzeau

Very peaceful overnight. 

Today we cycled in the opposite direction to our walk yesterday and went around the Arzon peninsula. Was mainly on cycle routes - lost the green cycle path signs a few times 😉 Nearly 26 miles today. Weather has been overcast and fine for cycling - took our bathers - but was low tide and unappealing!

The Port du Crouesty was absolutely huge. Stopped and had our picnic lunch. And then - spotted an open boulangerie - would be rude not to try! €5 for our apple tarts - very tasty too!

Feel we’re still just going through the motions of being on ‘holiday’ - and look forward to when we don’t feel quite so sad… Also thinking of Rex on what would have been his 97th birthday.