Poullaouen - 11 September 2021
Stopped at Carnoët and walked to La Vallée des Saints. Moved to a small aire at Poullaouen for the night.

Another carpark, which the overhead lighting managed to cover too well! It was cooler, so could close down most of the hatches.
Another book finished early this morning!
From Dave we could see there had been a motorbike accident just up the road, all the services attended really quickly - hope the person was ok.
Tintin drove for about 25 minutes - yet again, lovely open roads with very little traffic. Parked up in Carnoët, so that we could walk to see the Valley of the Saints which I’d read about. Should have been about a 20 minute walk - but we went the scenic (!) route.

If we had gone the direct route we would have missed seeing the large Minion outside the gîte, and a close up of the beautiful Normande cows - so bonus really! The cows are raised principally for milk, but also for its marbled and good flavoured meat. Both sexes have horns!

The Valley of Saints sculpture park was opened in 2009. Free entry. €6 to park a moho and €3 for a car. It stretches over an area of 20 acres, and is home to 140 granite sculptures, which have taken about 30 sculptors 13 years to make. It’s easier to let the photos do the talking, I took over 100 photos, so Tintin can decide on which ones to show…

By the time we’d walked back, it was 3pm (way past lunchtime!) and another nearly 13,000 steps walked - on top of 10,000+ yesterday!
Tintin then drove again for about 15 minutes, and we parked up at Aire in Poullaeuon. Again, a very quiet place, no more exploring for today - will leave that until tomorrow!

Dean had a quick fly at sunset for a few pics. I’ve got to sort out the best settings and filters for sunsets but I’m new to all this.

Here’s a load more statues.

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