Rathlin Island - 24 May 2023

24 May 2023 - Rathlin Island - ! all a day late due to data issues!
So last night, Tintin booked the ferry to Rathlin Island for £30.60 for us and our bikes, so decision made for today.
Rathlin is the only inhabited island off the coast of Northern Ireland - reports vary from 110 - 150 people living there. The school has about 15 children.

Less than seven miles from end to end, we reached this L shaped island after about 40 minutes on the Spirit of Rathlin. There is a faster ferry, but we wanted to take our bikes.

The island is only six miles from the coast, crossing the Sea of Moyle. Was surprised at how busy it was - lots of bird watchers and ramblers.
The picture of Tintin laughing is a fake! Once we’d sat down, he decided he’d pop back to his bike for his rucksack because he wanted his hat and gloves - was chilly. The silly plonker forgot his rucksack! It also had his prescription sunglasses, binoculars, water, food and his painkillers for the day! He felt very silly 😜 A while ago we read about a mum giving his son tough love - in summary - he was going camping, forgot his sleeping bag. The other kids thought his mum would return with it, she didn’t, as she knew if he had a cold, uncomfortable night - he wouldn’t forget next time!

I did offer my gloves and hat, but he refused on principle! Maybe I’ll have to have a check list for each time we go out?!
The ducks in the harbour are eider ducks.

We arrived by about 10.45. Tintin went and booked lunch at the Manor House for 12.30, and I went into their little Co-op shop for water and biscuit replacements - I did laugh at the three carrots available! Let’s just say it wasn’t a shops like you or I know!
We then rode out west to the seabird centre, about 4 or so miles away. Today we’ve cycled over 18 miles - most of the day in lowest gear and highest power - really hilly!

We would have paid to go in - access to puffins, razorbills and guillemots, plus a tour of one of the three lighthouses. However, it was close to noon - and we needed to be back in town for lunch.
When we arrived, a very nice RSPB man asked if Tintin would like to look through his telescope which was set up at a Great Skua. Just as he looked, the bird flew out of vision. However, the Skua suddenly was flying over our heads followed by his mate. He said we were so lucky to see them - they think there’s only one breeding pair in Northern Ireland! He rushed inside to report the sighting 😊 No photo, weren’t aware of what we were looking at until they’d flown past! - big brown birds!
We had already stopped at the craggy sea stacks - so many seabirds - lots of guillemots on the ledges - saw lots of kittiwakes - and plenty I don’t know!

There seem to be more cows than sheep - loving the grey cows!

Back to lunch. Tintin was disappointed - he’d seen the Guinness pump when booking - however - they only had bottled stuff, and no Guinness. He tried a Mccrakens pale red ale - not that impressed. I asked for an Orchard Thieves cider - again, not available on draught - so had a full, huge bottle! We both had the steak burger and fries. £35. Our honest opinion - well - the chips tasty fishy as if the haddock had been cooked in the same oil. Didn’t detect any chilli jam! Thought it was very like a Birds Eye burger texture. Don’t get me wrong - we ate most of it - but not the best, but also not very expensive…

From there decided to ride out to the Rue lighthouse. Highlight of the day 😊 Counted 22 seals, so there were probably more. Mixture of grey and common seals enjoying the sunshine. Sat and watched them for quite a while. Lovely.

The photos are deceptive. Anyone who knows me, knows I’m usually a warm person - not today - I even kept my woolly hat on 🥶

From there, rode to the third lighthouse on the East. Another highlight on the way - alpacas or llamas?

Rode back to the harbour - took a few more pictures - hopefully enough for Jo and Francesca to reminisce about their memories of their special island…

Another 40 minutes on the chilly outside seating of the ferry. Tintin had quite a lot to say about the condition of the ferry, and maybe their lack of safety concerns…

All in all, a good day out - but lovely to get back to a Dave warmed by the sun.

A FaceTime call with our daughter was cut off - and Tintin has spent the last 2-1/2 hours trying to figure out what has gone wrong.
I’ve cooked up another batch of granola, and typed this up in the hope that service will be resumed shortly…
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