Rosnaree - 28 May 2023

28 May 2023 - Rosnaree
It’s fair to say it was quite noisy last night - the cackling women were in the moho next to us - bottle after bottle was opened. What I don’t understand is where their children were! They were so quiet all day, no whining for attention - just throwing stones into the water. We also saw this back in Portsalon when we were in the bar. A woman was chatting to anyone and everyone, her two boys just patiently sat there…
This morning Tintin was chatting to some men from the other side of us, they were asking him if he heard all the singing - of course he didn’t - he was fast asleep - but yes I couldn’t not hear them! Hope they were all suffering this morning! Spaniel man said they were on the wine when he arrived about 2pm!
The little 18 month old spaniel was just so friendly - it’s the look of love in his eyes! His owner said he’s been like that since a puppy - very cute.

Went for a short walk - think the tide was out! A few days ago we were told the sea only has about a 2m range… Tried to find the Viking site, but failed!

We watered up, then I drove off. Only about 40 minutes. However, we’ve been thwarted in our attempts today!
Wanted to park at Slane. Arrived, and drove down into the carpark, thinking maybe we could park at the top of the lane by the wall - but no - overhanging trees, then a reverse back! Not sure why they have fenced off the carpark bit by the river.

We’re now in a church carpark, near a Buddhist temple. It’s lovely sunny weather (!) - so bikes out and off we went.

Rode past the signs regarding the Battle of the Boyne. Went into Slane. Thought we’d go and see the castle - but no! A young lad on his summer job turned us away - think there was a tour starting in one hour. Asked him about the ‘N’ on his car. Apparently you have to show that for two years after passing your driving test.

Jo, a picture of the gates to remind you of seeing Bruce Springsteen over 40 years ago!

Got waylaid by a ‘ramparts walk’ - wasn’t at all, just a very pleasant walk where we could see the kayakers…

From there we cycled to the Brú Na Bóinne centre (County Meath). Had no idea what was there!

A welcoming man inside the visitor centre suggested it was fate that brought us there, and that we should sign up for the 3pm tour of Newgrange. We agreed! Paid our €14 admission and hot-footed it across the bridge in order to catch the shuttle bus - to what - we didn’t really know!
Anyway, turns out the visitor centre is ‘famous for its spectacular prehistoric passage tombs of Knowth, Newgrange and Dowth, which were built about 3200 BC’.
Obviously popular, we could only visit the outside of Newgrange, plus the exhibition. It was excavated between 1962 - 1975. It’s 76m wide, up to 12m high and covers 1.1 acres.
Our tour guide showed us around the exterior, because it’s so old - there was a lot of - might be, could be, perhaps…

Newgrange is older than Stonehenge and the Pyramids in Egypt. It is aligned so that on the winter solstice the rising sun enters the ‘roofbox’ and floods the chambers with light. It’s a large circular mound, with an inner stone passageway and cruciform chamber.

At the front entrance the original white quartz stones have been replaced with how the archeologists thought it would look. There are 12 standing stones remaining around the perimeter - they think there would have been over 35, again archeologists think these may have been added during the Bronze Age. People didn’t live here, it was for ceremonial purpose, and possibly a burial site.

Our guide then told us the children could have a look at a baby hare - what about the adults! He then got quite irritated and told everyone to move away. If he hadn’t said anything - none of us would have known!

After the bus took us back, we visited the visitor Centre - all in the wrong order, but heyho!

Just before the exit, they’ve built a replica of the chamber. It was only 39cm wide at the narrowest point, and 144cm tall. Jamie and Hercy, your shoulders definitely wouldn’t fit through!

A ride back to Dave - about 12 miles cycle in total. Still needed to wear a coat - same thing - sunny, but chilly in the wind!
Was delighted to pick up some more maps. We’ve spent ages trying to decide where to go next. We have just over a week left, but think we’ll be governed by where we can service Dave - even fewer, and further between! Not much suitable parking either!
Tonight was chicken tikka masala and pilau rice, courtesy of Sainsbury’s - happy to say was much better than the beef last night!
We go from lots of people and mohos last night to just us - and now one other French moho just turned up - and lots of birdsong - can see the starlings on the power cables above - very peaceful.
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