Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire - 23 June 2019
Had a quick look round a flea market opposite our carpark, mostly rubbish! Tintin drove for 45 minutes to Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire, passing through the Chambord estate on the way. Bikes out, and we rode to Château de Chambord and cycled round the estate rather than going inside.

23.06.19 - So, yes, another book finished. Had chicken curry last night, just what was I thinking! Was feeling decidedly grumpy in bed! There was some sort of event going on near us, with heavy rock music and lots of people - til at least 2am, when at least they turned the music down! Husband of course just slept through it!!! Background noise of frogs too, plus it was still hot...
This morning Tintin walked into town and bought a baguette, and saw something happening across the road from us. It was a car boot sale. Well, of sorts, think a lot of the stuff for sale should have just been dumped - and dare I say it, some of the people selling looked, well gruff and poor!

Tintin drove for about 45 minutes today. We’re parked up at St Dye Sur Loire, an Aire but without facilities - surprisingly enough right next to the Loire River!
Bikes out after lunch. Rode for over 20 miles today. Luckily it has been overcast for most of the day, but in the high 20s. It’s gone 7pm, and inside Dave is still allegedly 34°, and the fan has been on for hours! - hence we’re sat outside in the shade!

We rode to the Château at Chambord. This is the largest, most famous and most splendid of the Loire Château. It has 440 rooms as well as 365 chimneys and towers! Was started in 1519 by François I. Up to 1800 workers were simultaneously active on the site. The French Revolution inflicted little damage, but all the furnishings were sold. Since 1930 it has been state owned. The surrounding parkland covers 55 sq km and is encircled by the longest wall in France - 20 miles in length. It would have been €29 entrance fee for us and €11 to park Dave. We didn’t bother - it really was too hot. Instead, we rode all around it. Was lovely that the surrounding area is all open to the public, you can hire boats, four wheeled cycle thingies (! Can’t think of the name!), or just walk and ride around or sit under the shade of the trees...

It the weirdest one we’ve seen - so many different styles of towers/chimneys!

Whilst in the shade, saw the most perfect looking puppy and went to see! Yoshi’s owners were German. He’s only 4 months old, really friendly - and a cross between a Labrador and a poodle, so I guess a labradoodle! Think he’s going to be huge! Such big feet! His lead was dropped whilst chatting, and a unsuspecting man was on his back snoozing in the shade - until Yoshi went up and licked him!

Once back near Dave, went off cycling on the cycle path near the Loire. So many flying things in the air! On the way back, stopped off at the horse riding place because the cat I saw earlier was out. She was so friendly too. Nothing to her, don’t know if she was young, or just really thin. She settled on Tintin’s pannier so well, sure we could have smuggled her home! - don’t worry - I’m not that mad old cat lady - yet!

Also saw one of those noisy frog things!

Just so you know - if you use a sparkling wine other than Champagne, it's called a Kir Pétillant. If you use Chambord, a French black raspberry liqueur, then it's called a Kir Impérial or French Kir Royale or Chambord Kir Royale!
Lots more pics from today

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