Sangüesa, Tafalla & Olite - 11 September 2024

Sangüesa, Tafalla & Olite - 11 September 2024

11.09 - Sangüesa (Zangoza) - Tafalla and Olite (all in Navarra)

It was very peaceful in our large carpark last evening - until a couple of French vans arrived - one parked so close we would nearly bash our door to be able to get outside. Tintin gesticulated enough that they got the message and moved over. Ridiculous really - there was so much space everywhere!

Another busy day - and a surprising one too! Tintin driving. First stop about 7 minutes away in Sangüesa / Zangoza. He did ask why we were going there - the lady from the tourist office in Pamplona had just circled it on the map and said it was a beautiful city!

Co-pilot had his mad moment again - it’s usually at the end of the journey - takes us down little streets - when there are perfectly good - and better large ones!

Parked up and walked along the Aragón River. Best bit was seeing a cat sanctuary - with food and water and sheltered accommodation! Lovely idea. Although - do the rats eat the free food?!

As there were lots of people dressed in white and red, we asked some young lads what was going on. Celebrating Saint Fermin - another bull run. The festival was starting at noon - but the bull run is tomorrow morning at 9am. One of the lads was doing it. Do you congratulate or commiserate?

We asked more at the tourist information - the lady said we’d be lucky to actually see anything - so many people and it’s all past you in a flash…

Visited the Santa Maria la Real church. Founded in 1122, a staging post on the Pilgrim’s way to Compostela. There was an old man leading us in - first thought was he wanted money - but no, he was actually turning the lights on for us! Very impressive entrance door. The interior - let’s just say it was a bit much for our taste!

We decided to hang around to see what was happening. Big crowds gathered outside the town hall. At noon rockets were launched, confetti was thrown, people were dancing and shouting and drinking…

San Firmin, Sangüesa

We left them to it, had lunch back at Dave - then Tintin drove about 50 minutes to Tafalla. When we parked up it didn’t feel very nice - just scrub land - and not a lot to see close by. We fully serviced Dave - irritatingly there were lots of flies around - but job done and allows us to move around for a few more days. 

The landscape between towns seems quite desolate - although today there were lots of vines. 

On the way, topped up with diesel - again! Next - a town called Olite about 20 minutes away - which previous tourist information lady said had a medieval castle. Once again, barriers prevented us from getting to moho carpark - but we found another way 😉. Turns out that Olite is preparing for its own bull run from 14-19 September. It’s also the wine capital of Navarre. 

After a good chat with a Dutch couple in the moho park, went for a wander. The town has a lovely feel to it. Maybe because of the colour of the stonework - buildings look clean. 

Decided to visit the royal palace of Olite - lovely surprise - entry is free today - not sure why!

The ‘new’ palace was built between 1402 and 1424 for King Carlos III and his wife Eleanor of Castile. During the War of Independence in 1813, the palace, one of the most luxurious in Europe at the time, suffered a devastating fire, which was deliberately started to prevent the French troops from using it as a fort! 

We didn’t worry too much about details of what was what according to the leaflet - just wandered around and looked at the fantastic views from the many towers. All in all - another good day 😊