Sauveterre de Guyenne - 18 September 2018
Decided to leave Dizant due to too many mosquitos and drove to Sauveterre de Guyenne. Tried to get fuel but Euro card decline at 2 machines. 30°C again today so just a walk around the town.

18 September
It was really hot last night. We’d watched the Bodyguard on iPlayer, then realized we needed to close the windows. In order to do that, we had to open the fly screens. Even with the lights out, rookie error! We then spent about 15 minutes killing lots of flying things. Were a couple of mosquitoes too. What is their point on earth - hate the little beings with a passion. So, mixed results with the insect repellent, for once I wasn’t bitten, but Tintin has a few bites. Think the place was just bad for them, plus it rained a little first thing this morning so everything was a bit damp, which I’m sure they loved.
Day 2 of running - was 30 minutes today, but only 8 actually running - was enough for me! Think Tintin could run faster. He may be older, but percentage fat wise, sadly I win - plus the hindrance of boobs! Anyway, it’s a challenge, and we like challenges!
Our daughter’s website is now up and working and should be finished at the end of the week, with her brother Jamie’s assistance! It’s for all of you who need some help from a qualified nutritional therapist!
After having said our goodbyes to the two sets of English people, we set off. Me driving again, think Tintin checks the route, as I seem to get the longer driving days! Was about two hours today. Tried to fill up with diesel at both a SuperU and a Carrefour, but because it was lunch time - and no staff available, our FX card was rejected. Will have to leave earlier tomorrow, as surprisingly we need more LPG too. Maybe it’s because it’s so hot, the fridge is having to work too hard to keep cold!

Above - crossing the Dordogne river for the 3rd time.
We’re now at:
Sauveterre-de-Guyenne - N44°41.635’ W000°04.792’ - free

This is described as an Aire on the edge of town in a peaceful location adjacent to vines. The town was built in 1281 and was actually English. During WWII the place welcomed the exiled Belgium government of Hubert Pierlot. The St Ieger Gate stands beside the demarcation line. The town has the four large gates still standing, and from the centre you can see each gate. On the four sides around the square are covered walkways which house the shops. Just our luck, on this one day, between 2 to 6, the tourist office was closed!

We went to the pharmacy, and used google translate for anti histamines, as the lady didn’t really speak much English, so 7 tablets and some cream was over €11 - hope it’s good!

We walked around, but it really was too hot to be pleasant! Saw a very friendly little cat. Wasn’t allowed to catnap her though - shame!

I really hope for smooth roads when driving, as otherwise Tintin gets up whilst I’m driving to find the source! He thinks he might have resolved a few more squeaks. Tomorrow we’ll find out! He’s also finally seen the light and changed from a 13.5 tog duvet down to 4.5!
Aire has filled up, quite funny - everyone is sitting in their chairs behind their mohos in the shade. Will have to face the heat of the kitchen and go and cook! Risotto tonight!
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