Sedan 22 April 2019
Well, we actually started running again, zero to 5k, day one. It’s a start! Rode about 26 miles along the river Meuse, there and back, lovely scenery and so peaceful. Kay drove about an hour to the carpark at the Château Fort de Sedan, just a parking spot but we’re all alone.

22.04.19 - It always amazes me that with so many mohos, everything is so quiet at night - must be some unwritten law that we all abide by (generally!)
Well, we have finally done it again! I still have the app on my phone, and it last happened on 28 September last year! We tried running again with the Couch to 5k app! I damaged my ankles/Achilles last year and they have only just about recovered. I think it was because I was running in my walking shoes, which were too rigid - but we’ll see...
Only 8 minutes of actual running, with a 5 minute warmup and 5 minute cool down, plus recovery time in between - and we were both fine 🙂. We’ve had an active day. After breakfast, went for a 25.5 mile bike ride along the river Meuse. From Monthermé to Montcy-Notre-Dame and back - generally flat, and although we have electric bikes, we both use them in eco mode (unless it’s really steep - then I’m in turbo mode!) in order to conserve the batteries, and give our legs a work out.
It’s a back to nature kind of day - seen ducks, geese, swans, dogs, goats, donkeys, cows, sheep and a herd of deer. Only one cat, but couldn’t get close - thank you Aimee for sending me a picture of Bailey today! Yesterday we saw about a dozen beautiful primrose yellow butterflies. Today only a couple, and Tintin chased after a lovely pale white one with orange tips to its wings, but it evaded being photographed.

The scenery was stunning and tranquil. I asked Tintin if he thought people get bored of the beautiful scenery. He said that’s why he likes traveling - scenery, good or bad always changing - and never knowing what we’ll see next!

I’d never really thought about the rivers having locks - thought it was mainly canals - but no - locks on the river Meuse!

Sad to see, but looks like they’ve had mass invasions of Japanese knotweed along the banks. Burnt back in places, but defiantly growing back.

Was about 2pm before we returned for lunch! No baguette today - Easter Monday, so most places were shut. Ryvita and hummus it was!
Again, lovely weather - so the start of different tan lines!

Tintin found out that water was included in our price for last night, so topped up. No emptying facilities, so I drove to the Aire which was full yesterday to use the facilities. Today there was space! I guess lots of people took advantage of the lovely weather and long weekend break to go out and about.
Drove for about an hour to Sedan. Tintin used his Park4night app - we’re parked up outside a huge chateau for free. Went for a quick walk around when we arrived. The entrance fee for the chateau was €9.50 each, and we were too late to visit today, and probably won’t tomorrow...

The town looks quite nice, fairly large and even the Carrefour was open so bought some fresh bananas and some packaged cake things - might be needed when no access to a boulangerie!

No other mohos here now, so Billy no mates tonight - let’s hope it’s not because they all know something we don’t!

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