Sézanne - 06 May 2024

06.05 - Sézanne
The rain which started about 6pm last night just continued throughout the night, and all morning.
Where we were parked probably sounded worse as the rain was plopping off the overhead trees.

We’d found a nice looking place by a canal to go to today - only about 45 minutes away. However, after seeing the forecast - decided we’d drive further today with the hope of better weather later in the week.
Despite the rain, I walked to the boulangerie - see if my digestive system can cope with a baguette again!
We both drove today, about 3 hours in total. I started off, first a visit to a garage to top up with LPG. Then we wanted to go to a supermarket, as it’s VE Day on the 8th, and then Ascension day on the 9th - so possibly places will be closed…
A supermarket called Colruyt was en route, so tried there - never even heard of it!. Was ok, possibly quite expensive? I thought CHF 6.50 for blueberries was expensive in Switzerland, for the same quantity today they were €6.99! Anyway, we have enough food to get us home!
It was a dull and dismal morning - constant rain. Our route on the N4 wasn’t very inspiring either - plus the road surface was questionable in many places - Dave objected! Loads of lorries both directions today.

We stopped off at a lay by for lunch. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, France used to be ‘quaint’ - but it just seems a bit run down in this area. Even in the lay by, wasn’t just dog 💩, but human 💩 - just gross.
Anyway, Tintin then drove for the last hour. He was so disappointed when we arrived - in his brain he was expecting the canal and boats!

There’s a huge carpark with lovely big spaces for motorhomes. I hadn’t really done any research, as we expected it to be raining. Turns out was a lovely sunny afternoon.

Both my Baedeker guide book, and online France This Way had nothing to say about this place - just what is nearby! Toul yesterday only had a 1* - and that’s with a massive cathedral!
Went for a walk. Not sure I have anything positive to say! The church is quite ugly, both outside and in. Really didn’t like the look of the gargoyle just above the door to get in on the side entrance.

Looks like the whole town is closed on Mondays.

I drove through about 20km of road works today - we saw one man - possibly working - but was just standing! In Switzerland there were roadworks every day - but also lots of men working and being industrious. Even at the garage where we took Dave, they worked over 9 hours a day. Here, from my limited interaction, I get the feeling that people aren’t happy in their jobs - today grumpy people at both the garage and supermarket. Where has our cheery Bonjour gone?! And! I’ve just checked our till receipt - silly witch charged us twice for one quiche ☹️
The only interesting thing we found was a sun dial from 1783.

Must do better research tonight!
Came back to Dave, then sat out on the grass in the sunshine and had a chat with Jamie. Jack - hope you enjoyed your cricket!
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