St Dizant du Gua - 17 September 2018
Blue sky and hot. Took about 1 1/2 hours to drive here and very nice it is, a big field with only a few mohos. Chatted to 2 English couples and played with their dogs. More washing but such a good day for it.

17 September
Was very peaceful overnight, think the chimes stopped at 11pm and didn’t start again until 7am.
Tintin got up about 6am to self-medicate - the rose last night did him in! It was pitch black, what a difference the hour makes. A bit more sleep đź’¤ and he was ok!
As we had hot water, and it’s hot weather - we put lots of dark clothes into soak ready for the journey.
Bridge over the Charente and a new bridge under construction, oh and me sucking a mint!

Roundabout montage, oh and my clock fan

Tintin drove along happily singing along to Frankie Goes to Hollywood! Drove past Royan, towards Bordeaux, and now at:
St Dizant Du Gua - N45°25.840’ W000°42.343’
Described as - large, pleasant open grass parking behind shop in picnic area adjacent to small river.
There were two English Mohos parked up, so went to say hello, and were invited to sit with them. One couple have been touring in the same Frankia for sixteen years! The other couple from up North have two lovely dogs, the female spaniel just loves to chase sticks, but really good - just drops at your feet, ready to play again.  A French couple arrived, they have a 9 week old puppy - so cute. Wants to bite everything, but teeth aren’t too sharp - yet!

So, another lazy day - after a chat with our new neighbours, had lunch and finished rinsing and hanging out the washing. It’s over 30 degrees, no worries about it drying!
Tintin used the water with conditioner in it to go onto the roof to clean the solar panels. We then just read - too hot to do much else at present!

Apparently the mosquitoes will be out soon, so we’re trying out some Australian  RID tropical strength insect repellent which Tintin bought based on good reviews. We’ll let you know!
Did about 15 minutes of yoga in the shade of the trees, but still really hot.
Another Mobilvetta, the same as ours has just turned up - we’re pleased to see they have problems with the logo too, so not just ours!
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