Susa - 31 October 2022

Last night was another peaceful night, just a few people around walking their dogs in the park.
Walked along to the Conad City this morning, as we needed some more milk and a few bits. For some reason, we seem to have shopped mainly in Conad supermarkets whilst in Italy. The Italians just can’t do bread though!
Tintin drove for a total of about 3 hours today. We might have encountered a few issues when trying to turn off at a rest area for lunch near the motorway. Let’s just say we briefly went the wrong way!…
We’ve spent €30.60 today on Autostrada fees, having to stop and pay five times. Not a lot to say about the driving, apart from we started off on very flat plains, and we’re now back in the mountains!

Time seems to stand still when driving, and we chomp our way through quite a few sweets - just for something to do!
We’re now in Susa, ready to go through the Frejus tunnel tomorrow and into France.

Having to pay €7 for the privilege of parking up with other mohos tonight, as we can’t park in the other carpark, as tomorrow it’s due to have a market.

Went for walk around the town. Back to having an Alpine feel. Has been lovely and warm still, but rain forecast for tomorrow.
The river running through the town looks icy cold, coming down from the mountains.

The cathedral was dark inside, no lights on at all - was surprised when I looked at my photos later to see the ceiling was all blue! Quite amazing what the camera picks up that we couldn’t see!

The great big Arch of Augustus had scaffolding up. One man gave us thumbs up when I took the photo, but when Tintin gesticulated that he should pose with his hand on his hip he quite rightly refused!

Carried on and found the Roman amphitheater ruins, then walked back through the town. Only managed about 7,000 steps today - but been busy driving, and trying to plan where we go next. Do we pay for the motorway in France? Did find a route, but then found out we wouldn’t fit through the tunnel! Back to the drawing board! We’re not particularly keen on driving around Lyon, but there’s these great big mountains in the way elsewhere!

Tintin led me into the gelataria. What a rip off! No prices shown, not even labels as to what flavours were available, woman looked like she was in her nightie, I asked if she spoke English to explain the flavours - ‘no’! I handed another woman €10 - no change! Our last, and most expensive ice creams in Italy - more than Rome! Don’t even know what Tintin had, mine was good old stracciatella - lovely, but did feel cheated!
Definitely time for a rum and coke, and then Guernsey made chilli con carne. I bought all these meals with us, but I think we’ll get through them in the next week, especially as it’s dark by 6pm and cooling off - so we won’t be out and about…
A few more pics from Susa -

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