Toul - 05 May 2024

05.05 - Toul (Meurthe-et-Moselle - NE France)
A peaceful night, off and on! Was raining, so closed down the hatches. Then for a while it was like Chinese torture - another new sound for us, we could hear dripping rain, but outside Dave by my bedroom window. Had to put music on to drown it out!
Despite Tintin trying multiple times to get Co-pilot to route where he wanted to go - it wouldn’t - so we used Google maps instead. There is for and against for both, but on balance Co-pilot is easier to read, shows us the speed limit and our speed, but Google lady is better on the roundabouts and the exits!

It absolutely chucked it down whilst driving, no fear of going too fast, couldn’t see enough - luckily short lived.

Tintin drove for about 2-1/4 hours - and no traffic jams or diversions! At least half that time was in the trees. Drove up to a Col - about 600+m - but no views today. And then into a bit of sun! Very changeable today.

We arrived at the paid Aire in Toul. €7 for 24 hours so very reasonably priced - with electric if you want it. We serviced Dave, then left as there weren’t any ‘prime’ spaces available. Drove to another Park4night place 4 minutes away - was lovely, but we just didn’t fit in well enough. Had lunch, yet another avocado salad - it’s our go to when we can’t get our hands on - firstly fresh bread, or lately - cheese and crackers. Drove back to the Aire. Finally got the machine to accept our shrapnel assortment of coins - but took at least 6 attempts - kept spitting the coins out!
Toul (population c 17,000) has fortifications built by Vauban in 1698-1712 - has four gates which have been preserved almost in their entirety. It’s a feeling of deja vu, as we’ve seen his work many times before - was an industrious man!

Thought we’d just walk to the cathedral and have a wander around. We were really surprised to see shops open, and a huge out door market going on - and it’s Sunday!

By the fountain, there were people dressed in Venetian masks and costumes - we did wonder why!

We found the cloisters, and loads of people. Even the tourist information was open, so we asked there - she said lots of places have carnival type days, and this was the first one for Toul.

She might have got more than she bargained for when she asked where we come from. Tintin showed her on Google maps on his phone, then gave her the full history lesson starting at 1066! Give her her due, she was interested, and was going to Google Guernsey afterwards 😊
The cathedral of St Etienne (1221-1507) has a huge late Gothic façade with two incomplete towers rising to a height of 65m. Sadly the South tower to be able to climb the 330 steps doesn’t open until July. Apparently brilliant views.

Absolutely huge inside. The stained glass was very colourful.

Tintin fancied a beer, so had a quick sit down and drink. €5.50 for both - that didn’t even buy a coke in Switzerland!

Even the church was massive - all for what is really quite a small population… As Tintin keeps reminding me - God loves you - and he wants your money 😉

We took the opportunity to pop into the supermarket for more milk. There was a friendly cat! He sauntered out from the back, we didn’t think he’d be allowed in the actual shop - he rubbed up against stock (!) - he even laid out on the conveyor belt by the till. The staff were not friendly at all, think they’d shoo him away if it weren’t for customers. No health and safety there then!

After checking he had permission, Tintin took Dean the drone up - it’s good to see the area from above, and you get a better idea of the scale of the cathedral.

We then saw that there’s a marina behind us, so off for another quick walk.

It’s now rum o’clock, we’ve had thunder, and it’s now pouring with rain.

It’s been a surprising day, for once being in the right place at the right time, all by luck.
There have been so many motorhomes come to park up, all have had to leave, as there are only 12 spaces, which have been full for hours.
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