Utzenfeld - 30 May 2019
Had a chilly ride up to the lake at Schluchsee, it was definitely meant to be warmer. It’s a holiday today in Germany and the whole world was out walking or riding around the lake, we’re more used to playing spot the person. Tintin drove down into the valley at Utzenfeld

30.05.19 - Finally finished my 800 page Rosamunde Pilcher book last night. Didn’t really enjoy the start, but usually finish books regardless. It was set in the 1930s, but moved through the whole time of WWII, not just in the UK, but Colombo and Singapore etc - ok in the end!
Another peaceful night by ourselves. Was only 3° when Tintin first got up with a view to going running! Glad to say that it warmed up fairly quickly.
Week 6, run 1 - done ✅. Even though it was 5, 8 then 5 minutes of running with walking in between, we both found it quite hard today. The very last bit was decidedly uphill! We went on the path we found yesterday as it seemed the flatest.
Packed our lunch and set off on our mission to find the cycle path to Lake Schluchsee and cycle around it (18 km), which we did. Were out riding for about 3 hours, only 18 miles - but extremely bumpy tracks! We decided it was going to be hot, and wore shorts - big mistake! Spent most of the time really cold.

Today is Ascension day - the 40th day of Easter. It occurs 39 days after Easter Sunday. It is a Christian holiday that commemorates Jesus Christ's ascension into heaven according to Christian belief. The whole world and his dogs were out in force today! - and lakes seemed to be the place to visit! Neither of us were particularly elated about our bike ride today - just too many walkers and cyclists to avoid! - and we never warmed up even wearing coats! Must be the altitude! Hope you’ve noticed - we’re both wearing our cycle helmets - something I personally don’t do very often at home - not good for the hairstyle!
We saw a steam train, and went closer to investigate - very smelly!

Maybe all this is teaching us, is that we don’t really like people - best bit was seeing the goats who appreciated being hand fed dandelions, and seeing the very young calves with their mums with noisy bells on!

Think we were both pleased to get back to a warm Dave for a cup of tea!
Later, Tintin drove back to the service stations again. Used 50c to top up with clean water, and then quickly wash the outside of Dave. He then drove about 30 minutes to Utzenfeld. Mostly downhill, pretty - and we could feel the change in temperature! Went through ski villages, saw chairlifts - but not working at present.

We should change Dave’s name to Billy (nearly was called that because of Mobilvetta) - as once again we are on our own! Pretty place, very green, loud cicadas...

Sat on a convenient bench nearby and had another cup of tea - waiting for the sun to come out from behind the clouds. Then quick wander into the town. Mainly residential, but big Subaru car dealership! Still don’t know if they are house martins or swifts - but saw lots swooping around and under roof ledges to feed their young.

Found the cutest calves - a grey sort of colour, from a distance thought they were donkeys!

With the ability to hug trees and bathe in the forest in clean fresh air, you would have thought that as a nation the Germans could be a little friendlier, but no - quite grumpy when we say hallo, apart from young children!
Think our time in Germany is coming to an end, and we’ll be back in France soon. However, we still have four weeks until we’re home, so plenty of time to go wherever we can think of!
We’re trying Lidl’s version of rum tonight, called Captain Cook’s and only €6 per bottle (instead of Captain Morgan’s). Well it tastes fine, will let you know if it induces a hangover!
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