Villamuriel de Cerrato, Briviesca & San Sebastián - 14 & 15 October 2024

Villamuriel de Cerrato, Briviesca & San Sebastián - 14 & 15 October 2024

14.10 - Villamuriel (lunch) and Briviesca (sleep)

Zamora wasn’t as quiet as last night - but busier, by a park and by a busy road!

We waited about 40 minutes this morning to service Dave. Rental vans with Portuguese licence plates - two together - even stripping bedding and remaking! We didn’t appreciate at that time how slow the water was to fill - maybe they were just filling time…

So it was decision time this morning. Had planned parking and viewing the Gaudí designed palace in Astorga, and León the following day. However, still not happy with Tintin’s ankle. Didn’t seem practical to meander around Spain when worrying about his ankle. Tintin has now changed our Condor return ferry booking from 25 to 21st. Only a few days earlier, but prior to 21st is the weekend, so there wouldn’t be any doctor appointments anyway. 

Change of direction - Tintin drove for about 2 hours? Was supposed to be to Villamuriel, so we could park up and walk to a nearby supermarket. Luckily went wrong! Found a big Mercadona with large enough parking for Dave, so I went and bought more water, milk and fresh stuff…

The actual aire at Villamuriel was ok - but quite noisy with building work going on behind. And because there wasn’t anything we wanted to see - he drove on. Another nearly 2 hours. Just another basic Aire close to the motorway. 

15.10 - San Sebastián, Basque Country - Spain

As we’d wanted to park on the flat space last night, we ended up being right next to the service area. Really surprised that mohos come and go until nearly midnight…

So - third time lucky for getting to San Sebastián. We tried in 2018 - but the Aire was closed for some reason. There really isn’t much other choice for parking around here for mohos. On the way south this time, the weather was so rubbish we went via the Pyrenees to Pamplona.  Even coming here today - there were no guarantees - there is space for 44 mohos - and often it’s totally full - even a couple of days ago according to Park4night. 

Bearing that in mind, we left a bit earlier today. Me driving.  Was over 2 hours. Not my most pleasant drive. So many lorries - you overtake, pull back in - repeat many, many times. There’s always a buffering as you go past large vehicles as well. Think I was gripping the steering wheel tightly today! 

We could have taken another day to get here, but the forecast was good for today - then just rain for the next few days here…

Anyway, we made it - and found a parking space. We also managed to pay our €5 and get a ticket out of the machine - which has many bad reviews for being difficult!

San Sebastián - population 186,100. My old guidebook says it has 18 Michelin star restaurants - and it’s overflowing with bars weighed down under a mountain of pintxos (tapas). 

Had a quick lunch, then bikes out. Only did about 6 miles today - but glad we took our bikes. 

The beach (Bahia de La Concha) looked so lovely. Did I have my bathers? No! Rookie error - again! However - it was starting to rain by then!

Went for a walk around. The basilica wanted money - we couldn’t be bothered to look inside another church! Strangely, the cathedral was free - however, it was 13.50 and the man was closing - was allowed to take one photo inside!

The Constitution plaza looked pleasant. I did wonder why the balconies were numbered - and this was the reason!

Back on the bikes, decided to ride up to the see the statue of Christ (deja vue!). Rode to the aquarium, then put the bikes in a lift as otherwise there were only steps!  He’s mounted on the top of Monte Urgull - a castle overlooking the bay. Was quite steep to ride in places! Lovely views from the top. 

Went across the bridge (and the river!) - thinking there would be lots more bars and restaurants - but strangely there weren’t. 

Rode back to the old town, then walked to the Constitution plaza for an Aperol Spritz and beer. €11. It’s been about 25/26° today - but humid too. 

We went into a few places looking at the pintxos on offer. I’m useless as most of them have stuff that I don’t like, and Tintin wasn’t prepared to eat by himself! It was also only 16.30 - so too late for lunch, and too early for ‘tea’!

Rode back to Dave. The spaces here are so tight, we had to drive Dave out of his space to be able to get our bikes in the ‘garage’. And - we have young children next to us again! Last night it was a really cute little girl - who cried quite a lot. They were Dutch - with an old moho and two great big golden retrievers. Brave or stupid? I guess when you’re young you don’t question it! 

So - into France tomorrow - but where - haven’t decided yet!