Vico Equense, Italy - 10 October 2022

We finally left the Agricamper just before 10am after filling up with water and servicing Dave. Not bad, 8 showers in 4 days, plus cups of tea, dishes etc, and still had some water left! Tintin was driving again - not sure he trusts me not to panic!
We needed fuel as it had beeped at us. Wanted to get some cheaper diesel, wasn’t happening today, prepaid €50 - was €1.84/ltr - did see it at €1.99!
Dave has sustained a couple of blemishes today! There is no photographic evidence of the causes, as I didn’t have time to take photos. We think Co-pilot threw a curve ball again, took us down some really narrow streets - which ended up on the main road which we should have taken. Anyway, the Italians just park wherever they want, so on a narrow street, they’ll still be parked - fine for a car to pass, Dave - a little harder. Tintin had to mount the pavements a few times, trouble is they’re really high pavements, so Dave was leaning over and the rear end caught someone’s wing mirror - war wound number one.

One of our next problems was when Co-pilot took us up the wrong lane near the campsite. There was a barrier with an open area - wasn’t really possible to turn Dave in the lane because it was too narrow. I found a man who explained it happens all the time, and lifted the barrier so we could turn around. Next problem was the turning to go down the hill was too tight, so went up again, looking for somewhere to turn, tried at one gate way, not successful - and a truck was coming the other way, and Tintin might have scraped the right wing mirror - luckily he’d bought some ‘earring’ protectors - which now have battle scars! We did eventually turn around and find the campsite. The reviews had said the arch leading up to it was narrow - least of our problems today!

We were met by Giovanni, who showed us where to park and gave us some information, including telling us that satnavs get it wrong all the time. I think maybe the lane higher up could save people a lot of grief and put a sign at the entrance saying they’re not the campsite road - but I suppose that would be too easy!
Still not sure we’re ‘campsite’ sort of people! But needs must!

Went for a wander around the marina at Vico Equense - looks dead now, but has been a busy summer for them here. Found a beach to maybe go swimming at.

There are lemon trees everywhere - lovely to see.

So - today there has been a train strike! It was only due to be from 9am - 1pm - caused havoc for lots of people I’m sure.
Giovanni didn’t think we’d be able to get the bus to the train station to get into Sorrento, so very kindly said he’d drive us there at 2pm.
Ha, we bought return tickets for €8.80 (the man nearly diddled me out of €10 change!) - and then we waited on a packed platform station! In the end the train was 50 minutes late! It was only for a 15 minute journey!
The population of Sorrento is about 16,500. The main square is Piazza Tasso, bit disappointing really, not a sitting down pedestrian area, big buildings, and traffic too. This is the largest resort, popular with package tours - heard loads of Americans!

From the piazza we considered a walk down to the beach, but as you can see, steep walk - and we didn’t know yet what the beach looked like.

Instead we walked down one of the maze of narrow streets - just like yesterday’s Spaccanapoli - but more gentile!

Tintin actually bought a leather belt! There are so many shops, selling most things lemon related!

In one shop we tried the meloncello - I don’t like melon, but was quite nice! The biscuits were delicious, and then tried the limoncello.
Limoncello is mainly produced in Sorrento, the Amalfi coast and Capri. Many years ago, I added limoncello to Pimms, as I didn’t have any Grand Marnier left. What a mistake, think we both took to our beds without even eating tea! I’ve been put off it ever since - but Herc and Sarah bought us a bottle a while ago - think it will be coming out when we’re home!
We had a good view of the beaches, and couldn’t decide whether we could be bothered to walk there and back - there were also lifts! As we’ll probably swim tomorrow, decided not to.

Had a quick look in the cathedral, then headed back. I was feeling a bit peckish, so stopped off for a panino each (€16). Yum, lots of buffalo mozzarella. Strangely there were loads of shops selling mozzarella yesterday along Spaccanapoli.

Popped into a supermarket on the way back to the train station, seems the easiest way to pick up a few bits and pieces at present.
Most important was more of the fizzy stuff for our Aperol Spritz!
Train station easy to find and use. Our train was waiting, so we could sit down.
Walked back from the station, only because it was downhill - took about 20 minutes. Even saw a pomegranate tree!

Did over 11,000 steps yesterday - and it felt hard work, today already over 13,000, but seems a short walk - who knows how accurate these watches are!
Exciting - tomorrow we have to get ourselves out of bed and down at the harbour for 9am - going on a boat tour - to Sorrento (picking up more people I assume), then to Positano, then Amalfi - not back until after 6pm!
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