Somewhere in France aka Graveron- Séverville - 16 September 2022

Not sure why there are always so many last minute things to do before traveling! Rushed around this morning, cleaning everything I could, washing and drying the towels, finishing off packing Dave.
We left early enough to allow for Mount Durand being closed. It was interesting at check-in - was the first time we’ve seen the gate being closed one hour before departure, and two cars turned away, despite the Condor staff being available, plus the fact the ferry hadn’t even started loading. Good prompt to remember to be early!
Very few passengers on board. Pleasant enough crossing on the Liberation. Left about 13.30, and off and starting our journey at 17.00. Happy passport guy, and no queues - it’s the way to travel.

Tintin drove until about 20.45. We’re later driving as we saw fuel at a Bonjour for €1.56/ltr. and stopped and queued. Really strange, as we know our FX card isn’t accepted by a machine we couldn’t use the card pumps. We watched the people in front, they went inside first to pay, then came out to fuel up. I gathered she was asking me how much I wanted to pay, we were half tank, so guessed at €50 - luckily we’re now full of diesel.
Not much fun for Tintin to drive in the dark, plus it started to rain a little. We’re on the road towards Évreux, so pulled off and just found the closest place on Park4Night. Opposite a church, and it’s very peaceful - can hear the owls. Will be interesting to see where we are tomorrow morning!
So - I’m in trouble already - forgot to pack the ice cube tray! Good job the coke was already in the fridge!

.....and this is where we ended up in the dark opposite the church, very quiet night.

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